Eight steps to climate-proof development in Africa

Source(s): Guardian, the (UK)
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by mjori CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 http://www.flickr.com/photos/mjomc/5110013289

"Climate change must be integrated into the post-2015 agenda, as ignoring it may condemn many Africans to a life of poverty," warns Dr Richard Munang, policy and programme coordinator for the Africa Climate Change Adaptation Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme in his Guardian article.
Water shortage, climate change, sea level rise, flooding and food insecurity are some of the hazards affecting the continent's agriculture, tourism, etc.

Dr Munang recommends 8 steps to ensure that climate change is integrated into the post-2015 development agenda:

- Protect and invest in African ecosystems
- Make adaptation and climate risk management core elements of post-2015 development agenda
- Take advantage of mitigation opportunities
- Promote sustainable agriculture and provide support to expand sustainable agriculture methods
- Manage water
- Investment in climate smart infrastructures
- Focus on knowledge and capacity development
- Invest in information services


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Document links last validated on: 16 July 2021

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