Natural hazards, climate change, and cross-border displacement in the Greater Horn of Africa: Protecting people on the move: Outcome report
This report summarizes the outcomes and technical discussions of the third Nansen Initiative Regional Consultation that was hosted by the Government of Kenya from 21 – 23 May 2014 in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss “Natural Hazards, Climate Change, and Cross-Border Displacement in the Greater Horn of Africa: Protecting people on the move.”
The overall objective of the Greater Horn of Africa Regional Consultation was to identify specific challenges that the region faces in regards to natural hazard related disasters and cross-border displacement, and to develop practical, policy and programmatic outcomes in response to these challenges.
Conclusions reached during the Consultation include the need to:
- Recognize that preventing and mitigating the impact of all forms of displacement in disaster contexts is a development issue that should be addressed within national development plans to strengthen the resilience of communities in areas at risk of displacement as well as in areas likely to host displaced people, through measures such as investing in infrastructure, livelihoods, education, and health care.
- Integrate human mobility and the needs of communities affected by displacement, including host communities, into regional and national disaster risk reduction strategies and adaptation plans, ensuring that they are aligned with each other at all levels.
- Consider programs that increase the resilience of pastoralist communities, such as livestock insurance, access to credit and funds, mobile schools, mobile health services, the development of industries for pastoral products, and support for alternative and diversified livelihoods.