Hungary national climate strategy 2008 - 2025
Climate change is a risk threatening both the Hungarian society and the national economy, and forces action. Multiple analyses suggest that our natural values, water resources, flora and fauna, forests, agricultural production yields, buildings, residential environment, public health and quality of life are all threatened by the significant changes in temperatures and precipitation rates, the possible shifting of seasons and the intensification and increased frequency of certain extreme weather phenomena as predicted for the following decades. A group of scientists of the United Nations concluded that Hungary is one of the most vulnerable countries of Europe in terms of the effects of the climate change on biological diversity, i.e., the multiplicity of species.
The NCCS identifies three major directions of action for the long term climate change policy:
1. it foresees measures in compliance with the EU and international requirements in order to reduce the emissions of climate change gases and to prevent the increase thereof. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions should be achieved by reducing the overall energy use in a manner that enables a shift in production and consumption structures towards lower material and energy needs.
2. it includes the key elements of the fight against the unfavourable ecological and socio-economic effects of the inevitable climate change, and of the improvement of the adaptability to the consequences of the climate change; and
3. the raising of social awareness of the climate change and the strengthening of climate awareness.