Climate change, disaster, displacement and migration: initial evidence from Africa
New issue in refugee research, research paper no. 180:
This document presents some initial empirical findings in relation to the clear link between climate change, disasters, displacement and migration, focusing on two African countries: Somalia and Burundi. It addresses the need for basic answers to inform policy, advocacy and operations.
The research presented in the document explores the interaction of climate change, disaster (in particular drought), conflict, displacement and migration, as well as protection challenges and responses in the cases of Somalia and Burundi. It uses the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) typology as a background, and it does not attempt to link specific disasters and displacement directly to climate change.
The three main questions that drove the research are: (i) What are the links of disasters, conflict and displacement in the context of climate change? (ii) What are the particular protection challenges for displaced people in this context? (iii) How does society and law prevent displacement, protect the displaced and seek durable solutions to the displacement in this context?