Brazil: National adaptation plan to climate change - Volume II: Sectoral and thematic strategies 2016
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) was established by Ministry of Enviroment (MMA) Order 150 of 10th May 2016, published in the Official Gazette (DOU) of 11th May 2016. Coordination of the Plan is entrusted to the Technical Group for Adaptation, established to provide technical and political guidance, to monitor, assess and review its actions, and to establish operational routines and mechanisms for its management.
The general objective of the Plan is to promote reduction and management of climate risk in Brazil and considering the effects of climate change, by taking full advantage of emerging opportunities, avoiding losses and damages, and building instruments to enable adaptation of natural, human, productive and infrastructure systems.
The vision underlying the Plan is that all government-policy sectors considered vulnerable to the impacts of climate change must have strategies in place for climate-risk management. The Plan aims to ensure satisfactory and coordinated deployment of sectoral and thematic risk-management strategies, especially in the fields of food and nutritional security, water and electric power. Measures for adaptation need also to be aligned with national socioeconomic development goals, and with coordinated federal, state and municipal public policies for reduction of inequalities. From a longterm perspective, by 2040, the NAP aims to have systemically contributed toward augmenting the Federal Government’s capacity to adapt, and to have reduced risks associated with climate change.