Annual disaster statistical review 2015: the numbers and trends
The 2015 annual review of disaster figures based on the EM-DAT database outlines information about the EM-DAT International Disaster Database, its definitions, criteria and content; asks: What did 2015 bring? How different was 2015?; and provides regional analysis on Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.
It reports that 376 natural triggered disasters killed more than 22,765 people worldwide, affected over 110.3 million others and caused US$ 70.3 billion of damages. The increase in the number of reported natural disasters in 2015, was mostly due to a higher number of climatological disasters: 45 compared with the 2005-2014 annual average of 32, an increase of 41%. In 2015, earthquakes and tsunamis killed the most people (9,526) however, this is far below a 2005-2014 annual average of 42,381.
The CRED EM-DAT database aims to provide an evidence base to the international community to assist humanitarian action at both national and international levels, rationalize decision-making for disaster preparedness and provide an objective basis for vulnerability assessment and priority setting.