Meetings and conferences

Global webinar: Membership to the Santiago network

Organizer(s) Santiago Network
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Event language(s)
  • English

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Register for Session 2


Session 1 - 8:00 a.m. (CEST)

Session 2 - 4:00 p.m. (CEST)


Join us at a global webinar to learn more about the Santiago network, how to become a member and what membership to the network entails.

This webinar is recommended for any organizations, bodies, networks and experts interested in becoming members of the Santiago network. The webinar will be held in English.


  1. Introduction 
  2. Overview of the Santiago network
  3. Santiago network membership
  4. Overview of resources
  5. Q & A

For more information on the eligibility and application process for membership ahead of the webinar, please visit our membership page.

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