National policies, plans and risk and governance profile(s)

Documents and publications
This case study aims to present the lessons learned from Lebanon’s Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) as an example of developing post-disaster recovery governance structures in a context of FCV, specifically under compounded crises.
Documents and publications
This paper presents the composite drought indicator (CDI) that Jordanian, Lebanese, Moroccan, and Tunisian government agencies now produce monthly to support operational drought management decision making.
Documents and publications
The Lebanon Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) aligns the country’s short-term recovery needs with resilient, low-carbon, long-term development
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Lebanon, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Cover and title of publication
Documents and publications
The Lebanon Forest Note articulates opportunities for supporting the protection and sustainable management of Lebanon’s forest landscapes. This is part of the World Bank's Country Forest Notes series.
Documents and publications
This study focuses on the opportunities, challenges and uncertainties resulting from the integration of land use planning into efficient DRR. GIS-based analyses were first conducted on the current land use/land cover of the Assi floodplain in Lebanon.
Documents and publications
This country profile for Lebanon provides a summary of available evidence on climate hazards, health vulnerabilities, health impacts and progress to date in health sector efforts to realize a climate-resilient health system.
Cover of the report: Man herding a small flock of sheep
Documents and publications
The MENAdrought project aims to provide tools to anticipate, prepare for and mitigate drought impacts. In Lebanon, technical monitoring and forecasting, an institutional drought framework, and a drought management task force are being developed.

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The International Recovery Platform strengthens knowledge and information on building back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.

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