Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

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Growing risk inequality
global inequality, increasing hazard exposure, rapid urbanization and the
overconsumption of energy and natural capital now threaten to drive risk to dangerous and unpredictable levels with
systemic global impacts.
The richest 2 per cent of the world’s adult population now own over 50 per cent of global wealth, whereas the bottom 50 per cent own less than 1 per cent of global wealth. An increasing concentration of wealth, accompanied by depressed real wages and cuts in spending on social welfare and safety nets, is expected to lead to growing risk inequality across territories and social groups.
( → Chapter 9 )
Sectors and territories without comparative advantages for economic development face increasing risks due to low levels of investment in risk-reducing infrastructure, an absence of social and environmental protection, and rural and urban poverty. In many low and middle-income countries, urban development is characterized by highly unequal access to urban space, infrastructure, services and security. ( → Chapter 11 )
Socially segregated urban development in turn generates new patterns of disaster risk. Low-income households are often forced to occupy hazard-exposed areas with low land values, deficient or non-existent infrastructure and social protection, and high levels of environmental degradation.
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