Nepal: National strategy for disaster risk management 2009
A national framework with commitment of the Government of Nepal for protection, growth, and promotion of national heritages and physical infrastructures. It is an integrated effort on reducing disaster risk in the days ahead through materialization of spirit of participation. In the process, sincere effort is made by defining five main priorities and associated activities by assigning responsibilities to each sector line agency.
The five priorities recommended in the implementation process are: (i) put a vibrant institutional framework in place for its implementation by prioritizing disaster risk reduction at both the national and local levels; (ii) strengthen assessment, identification, monitoring, and early warning system on potential disaster; (iii) make use of knowledge, new ideas, and education for the development of safety and disaster resilient culture at all levels; (iv) minimize existing risk factors; and (v) make disaster preparedness strong enough for effective response.
The strategy also analyzes policy framework, legal provisions, and institutional structures Nepal has adopted in relation to disaster management and includes a brief review of existing legal and institutional arrangments from central to local levels, their capabilities to cope with different natures of disasters, and their technical capacities to facilitate preparation of Action Plans (on disaster risk reduction). Inherent objective of the strategy shall be to guide towards reducing disasters in the process of execution of development programs for national development.