Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015
Making development sustainable: The future of disaster risk management

background image
ment and adaptation to climate change. Expe-
rience from German development cooperation.
Edited by Wolfgang Lutz, Michael Siebert and
Eva Wuttge. November 2012. Frankfurt am
Glantz, Michael. 1999. Creeping Environmental
Problems and Sustainable Development in the
Aral Sea Basin. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Uni-
versity Press.
Global Commission on the Economy and Climate.
2014. Better Growth, Better Climate: The New
Climate Economy Report. Washington, D.C.:
World Resources Institute.
GNDR (Global Network for Disaster Reduction).
2013. Views from the Frontline: Beyond 2015.
Findings from VFL 2013 and recommendations
for a post-2015 disaster risk reduction frame-
work to strengthen the resilience of communities
to all hazards.
GNOCDC (Greater New Orleans Community Data
Center). 2013. The New Orleans Index at Eight:
Measuring Greater New Orleans’ Progress To-
ward Prosperity. August 2013.
Gonzalez, Maria and Alfred Schipke. 2011. Bank-
ers on the Beach. Finance & Development, June
2011: 42-45.
Goodell, Jeff. 2013. Goodbye Miami. Rolling
Stone, 20 June 2013.
Government of Australia. No date. Natural Disas-
ter Relief and Recovery Arrangements. Emer-
gency Management Australia.
Government of Bhutan. 2013. Disaster Manage-
ment Act of Bhutan 2013.
Government of Burkina Faso. 2014. Loi No.
012/2014, Portant Loi d’Orientation relative à la
prévention et à la gestion des risques, des crises
humanitaires et des catastrophes. Assemblée
Government of Colombia. 1988. Ley 46 de 1988
(Noviembre 2) Diario Oficial No 38.559, del 2 de
noviembre de 1988 Por la cual se crea y organiza
el Sistema Nacional para la Prevención y Aten-
ción de Desastres, se otorga facultades extraor-
dinarias al Presidente de la República, y se dic-
tan otras disposiciones. Congreso de Colombia,
Government of Colombia. 2010. Reglamento co-
lombiano de construcción sismo resistente NSR-
10. Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desar-
rollo Territorial. Marzo de 2010, Bogotá.
Government of Colombia. 2012. Ley No. 1523 del
24 de Abril de 2012. Por el cual se adopta la políti-
ca nacional de gestión del riesgo de desastres y
se establece el sistema nacional de gestión del
riesgo de desastres y se dictan otras disposicio-
Government of France. 1990. Environnement et
prévention des risques technologiques et na-
turels majeurs. Décret No. 90-918 du 11 octobre
1990. Journal Officiel de la République Fran-
Government of France. 2004. Loi n°87-565 du 22
juillet 1987 relative à l’organisation de la sécurité
civile, à la protection de la forêt contre l’incendie
et à la prévention des risques majeurs.
Government of India. 2004. Disaster Management
in India. Government of India Ministry of Home
Government of Japan. 2011. Report of the Com-
mittee for Technical Investigation on Counter-
measures for Earthquakes and Tsunamis Based
on the Lessons Learned from the “2011 off the
Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake”. 28 Sep-
tember 2011. Central Disaster Management
Government of Japan. 2012. Floods in Thailand
that caused a significant impact on trade envi-
ronment, etc. of neighbouring nations/regions,
including Japan. Section 3.
Government of Myanmar. 2012. Myanmar Action
Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction (MAPDRR). The
Republic of The Union of Myanmar. Supported
by ADPC.
Government of Nicaragua. 2005. Informe Nicara-
gua - CMRD-Japón 2005. Secretaría Ejecutiva
del Sistema Nacional para la Prevención, Mitig-
ación y Atención de Desastres (SE-SINAPRED).
Government of Odisha. 2013. Disaster Manage-
ment Plan. Government of Odisha Housing &
Urban Development Department.
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