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New Delhi

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017: Home Safe Home

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Magnolia Hall, India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road


Sphere India is a national coalition of humanitarian agencies working in India. Sphere India works to provide opportunities to different stakeholders to come together, build common understanding, and develop collaborative plans of action, tools for collaborative action and monitoring opportunities for consolidating collaborative learning at various levels.

Save the Children, one of the members of Sphere India is a leading independent NGO and child rights organization committed to child focused interventions and collaborative actions towards building resilience.  As part of “Sendai Seven” Campaign, Sphere India with support from Save the Children UN Volunteers India and other members is organizing a One Day workshop at New Delhi on 13th October, 2017.

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. UNV also supports global efforts to reduce the impact of disasters by working at national and community levels to support disaster prevention and risk reduction strategies.


The objective of the workshop is to bring together  different stakeholders to:

  • Develop a shared perspective on Seven Global Targets and key target (b);
  • Sharing of work being done or plans to achieve the same as per target indicators;
  • Develop a shared perspective on localization especially focusing on convergence of global frameworks for DRR, SDGs and CCA at local level;
  • Initiate Delhi (local) Resilience Forum.

Expected participants

30-40 representatives from different stakeholder groups – Government, UN, NGOs, Resident associations, School Teachers, Children Groups, Academic Institutions, private sector.

Key questions

  • Are your actions and partnerships helping to reduce the numbers of people affected by disasters and how are you doing this?
  • Do you provide open and timely access to risk maps, risk profiles, risk data and information to inform plans and decisions that prevent or mitigate disasters?
  • Do you collect data on disaster affected persons by age, gender and disability?
  • Are you facilitating coordination between various partners and stakeholders to reduce exposure and displacement?
  • Are you improving how risk-informed people are about where they live and work?
  • Have you been able to assist governments, local governments and the private sector to avoid locating homes and businesses in hazard prone locations?
  • Have you been able to support, directly or indirectly, improvements in the standard of housing and/or support “build back better” initiatives in hazard-prone locations?

Expected outputs

  1. Workshop Report;
  2. Delhi Resilience Forum with broad action plan.

Expected outcomes

  1. Greater global awareness of the Sendai Framework and a key target b;
  2. Greater focus on risk-informed investment in housing stock and slum upgrading;
  3. Greater focus on prevention of displacement in national DRR programmes;
  4. Greater focus on protective measures and the importance of reducing injury and ill-health as consequences of disaster events;
  5. Greater focus on protecting livelihoods and places of work in hazard-prone areas;
  6. Public discourse to promote attitudinal and behavioral change towards disaster risk management;
  7. Greater awareness of the role local actors involved in the campaign play in reducing disaster risk.

To register, please send an email to Vikrant ([email protected])


Concept Note English

Document links last validated on: 18 December 2019

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