Extreme heat waves, floods and weakened security: Israel's grim climate forecast for 2050

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Extremely hot days and heat waves will increase, floods and wildfires will intensify, agriculture and public health will be threatened and rising sea levels will encroach on Israel's coastline. Here is Israel's climate change forecast for 2050.


According to the Israeli Meteorological Service, by mid-century, the percentage of days with temperatures of over 34 degrees Celsius (93.2 Fahrenheit) will increase by tens of points. By then, heat waves will be so extreme they could not only damage Israel's agriculture and economy – but also cause serious illness and even death.


A recent report by Meteorological Services investigator Yiftach Ziv shows that since 1980, the average number of high fire-risk days per year in Israel increased by a factor of 2.5 and very high fire-risk days saw a three-fold increase.


In Israel, members of KANAT, the Insurance Fund for Natural Risks in Agriculture, says that the damage to Israeli agriculture has intensified over the past decade and that the fund paid 344 million shekels ($97 million) in compensation last year – twice as much as they paid ten years ago.


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Hazards Heatwave Wildfire
Country and region Israel
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