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Channel conveyance is calculated by measuring the depth and width of a river channel. Most hydrologic models assume that channel conveyance is constant, but this is based on periodic measurements that can be taken decades apart.
Geological Society of America, the
Suva, Fiji, street
Parametric climate insurance is ideal for delivering immediate financial relief to vulnerable communities like smallholder farmers, fishers and market vendors following climate-related disasters.
Commonwealth Secretariat
Strengthening DRR in NBSAPs guidance
Documents and publications
This publication provides actionable guidance for governments to integrate DRR into biodiversity strategies, promoting resilience and sustainability by aligning efforts with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Sendai Framework.
River bed and destroyed village after the July 2021 floods in Germany
JRC scientists have developed a tool to estimate flood water depth and improve the accuracy of flood extent maps by combining satellite images with topographic data.
European Commission
The city has 220 public schools, and thanks to the Trust for Public Land's (TPL's) Green Community Schoolyards programme, the asphalt playgrounds of these schools will be transformed into parks and green spaces, starting from one school to the next.
Climate Adaptation Platform
Climate change is fueling more severe weather, and insurers are responding to rising damage claims. The losses are exacerbated by more frequent extreme weather disasters striking densely populated areas, rising construction costs.
Conversation Media Group, the
The opening days of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) have highlighted the need for global action to address climate change and the growing impact of extreme weather events.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
WIN 2024
In 2024, six women who have achieved exceptional professional success in disaster risk reduction have been chosen as finalists for the Women’s International Network for Disaster Risk Reduction (WIN DRR) Excellence Award.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Asia and Pacific

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