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Documents and publications
This research focuses on how mobile-enabled risk communications about weather hazards can be more inclusive.
Documents and publications
This study aimed to determine and map the vulnerability level of Karşıyaka, İzmir on watershed scale to climate change hazards, high temperature, flood and sea level rise by using indicator based approach.
Documents and publications
This report includes an analysis of national legislation to address heat stress from 21 countries across the world, identifying common provisions for workplace level measures.
Documents and publications
The paper outlines an approach to eenabling and financing locally-led adaptation (LLA) planning and financing that involves local communities, governments, and the private sector.
Adaptation strategies demand a convergence of diverse approaches ranging from economic incentives and robust policy frameworks to locally driven interventions.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP)
FAO and Argentina's agricultural agency Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA) have engaged in a productive exchange of knowledge and experience in locust management and control.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters
Documents and publications
In response to the rapid rise in the scale, intensity, frequency and duration of extreme heat, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 25 July 2024 called for an urgent and concerted effort to enhance international cooperation to address extreme heat.
Uzbek children in Registan Square, in traditional clothes with doira
New policy brief outlines six policy recommendations for governments to protect young children, particularly vulnerable to the health effects of heat stress.
United Nations Children's Fund (Global Headquarters, New York)

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