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Documents and publications
This paper explores community-responsive adaptation (CRA) in light of the description of the flooding challenge in informal settlements, providing CRA solutions, results, and outcomes, as well as lessons learned, key takeaways, and recommendations.
Documents and publications
This paper explains how the city of Wuhan has implemented a comprehensive disaster resilience strategy that integrates policy formulation, scientific research, and public communication in response to severe floods.
Documents and publications
This paper focuses on the question of how to link science, communities, and public policy to address the structural challenges as seen in cascading disaster risks and deep uncertainty through cases in Japan from resilience perspectives.
Documents and publications
Building on 30 qualitative interviews, this contribution details the successes and challenges encountered by those currently pushing for better warning from non-seismically induced tsunamis.
Documents and publications
This publication refers to an initiative aimed at improving people's awareness and knowledge of landslides and their risks.
Delivery employee riding motorcycle on a road in New Delhi, India, 2024
GHHIN spoke with Nick Jones on his recent study exploring the impacts of extreme heat in the context of transportation systems, including the significant health risks for commuters and transportation workers.
Global Heat Health Information Network
Documents and publications
This review aims to overview achievements and challenges in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to improve the prediction of extremes at the subseasonal to decadal timescale.
Documents and publications
The GEOGLAM Crop Monitor for Early Warning (CM4EW) is an international and transparent multi-source, consensus assessment of the crop growing conditions, status, and agro-climatic conditions that are likely to impact global production.

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