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Australia is no stranger to extreme weather. From heatwaves and droughts to flooding rains, hailstorms or fire weather, our continent experiences it all.
Conversation Media Group, the
Beach area
Accurate sea-level data, combined with an understanding of the depth and shape of coastal terrain, enables more precise modelling of marine hazards.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Street in Nuku'alofa on Tongatapu island, Tonga.
Tonga launched a Weather Radar during the Fifty-Third Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting now underway. The Radar is the first deliverable of the Weather Ready Pacific in the Pacific region.
Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
Documents and publications
This report brings together the voices, experiences and demands of civil society from across the Pacific region, including Australia and New Zealand.
Documents and publications
The WMO State of the Climate in the South-West Pacific 2023 report details how sea level rise in the region is above the global average.
Documents and publications
The report examines the use of foresight techniques in the context of long-term disaster risk management.
Documents and publications
The Queensland (Australia) 2023-24 State Recovery and Resilience Plan (the Plan) covers 13 disaster events and captures the diversity, breadth and extent of disasters for the entire season.
Trees are a powerful solution to the climate crisis. They reduce the risk of landslides and floods, improve air quality, and even protect mental health.
Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center

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