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The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a partnership of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system to support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). The HFA is the primary international agreement for disaster reduction, adopted by one hundred sixty-eight (168) governments and multilateral organizations, including the World Bank. The principal strategic goal of the HFA is to effectively integrate, in a coherent manner, disaster risk considerations into sustainable development policies, planning, programming, and financing at all levels of government.

The GFDRR is managed by the World Bank on behalf of the participating donor partners and other partnering stakeholders. The work of the GFDRR is divided into three tracks:

1) Track I consists of financial support to the secretariat of the ISDR system (the ISDR Secretariat) and is managed by the ISDR secretariat. This track is designed to enhance global and regional advocacy, partnerships, and knowledge management for mainstreaming disaster reduction.

2) Track II is directed at mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in country development processes to ensure that risk assessments, risk mitigation, risk transfer, and emergency preparedness are incorporated into in all strategic plans and programs. This track is designed to provide ex ante support, primarily through technical assistance to enhance investments in risk reduction and risk transfer mechanisms, as well as disaster management planning to low- and middle-income country governments.

3) Track III supports primarily low-income countries for accelerated disaster recovery and risk reduction in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

Duties and accountabilities

The Disaster Risk Management Specialist (GFDRR) will work in the World Bank Country Office of Togo, under the direct supervision of Shelley McMillan, task team leader for the national DRM country plan, with a indirect reporting line to the GFDRR track II team leader and under the general management of the GFDRR program manager on track II grant proposal management and knowledge management as well as track III resilience building in a post-disaster recovery framework.

Specific duties

1) Oversee national DRM program implementation
- Participate to the management of all in-country aspects of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) country program portfolio in Togo.
- Support the preparation and implementation of the DRR and Climate Change Adaptation country program, including the preparation of a flood management program and the technical assistance on coastal erosion protection and adaptation: participate to project preparation and supervision missions, maintain the day to day dialogue with the government and partners, identify and resolve implementation bottlenecks.
- Measure results in DRR and CCA operations: Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of project progress to ensure the attainment of objectives through sound implementation. Assume accountability that in-country reports are developed, reviewed and updated on the RBMS and for special outreach to targeted stakeholders in a timely manner.
- Coordinate the preparation of consolidated progress reports, project briefings and other relevant monitoring information to inform clients, donors, directors and DRR partners in an organized manner and with adherence to the Bank’s quality guidelines, prepare and process extensions, reallocations and other changes in administrative and grant agreements as needed.
- Assist in the organization and facilitation of meetings and workshops, conference calls and daily correspondence related to DRR and CAA operations, facilitating effective communication between partners, keeping calendars, work plans and contact lists updated
- Liaise regularly with GFDRR task managers and all regional DRM coordinators to discuss implementation of activities and assessment of disaster risk reduction programs/needs.

2) Manage a comprehensive in-country sectoral dialogue with critical stakeholders
- Strengthen in-country partnerships and coordinate with relevant agencies, academia, the UN, and donors relating to project activities. - Interface with implementing organizations regarding project proposals submitted for GFDRR funding to ensure proposals meet GFDRR’s program objectives and grant guidelines.
- Represent GFDRR at internal and external meetings and deliver presentations on track II country program portfolio as well as on GFDRR in general.

3) Support government led coordination on DRM and build critical capacities
- Strengthen in-country capacity of government counterparts to plan, prioritize and implement a DRM and CCA agenda.
- Advocate for cross-sectoral platforms to review and improve risk reduction and climate change adaptation in bank intern CAS as well as current and new national development plans such as PRSP.

4) Contribute to GFDRR’s Knowledge management system by preparing lessons learnt and best practice pieces based on track II portfolio opportunities.
- Conceptualize and guide the implementation of country generated knowledge products related to i) risk assessments, ii) the interface of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and iii) the use of spatial solutions, visualization practices, GIS, and remote sensing in disaster risk management and iv) risk transfer, mitigation and preparedness.
- Promote and facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination in disaster risk management and climate change adaptation between countries, sectors and regions.

- Perform other duties and functions as assigned by the task team leader for the national DRM country plan, regional coordinator and the manager of GFDRR


- DRM project preparation and supervision aide memoirs
- Contributions/Sections of DRM project documents (concept notes, project appraisal documents, environmental and social assessments…)
- Contributions on DRM to country assistance strategy, poverty reduction strategy papers, policy notes
- TORs for consultants, workshops and mission related to DRM activities
- Minutes of workshops and meetings
- Project progress reports and briefings
- Updated work plans
- Comments to DRM country reports and workplans
- Power point presentation

Selection criteria

- Master's degree in a relevant discipline with a focus on natural hazards and environment
- At least five years of relevant experience in the areas related to climate change, natural hazards, disasters, flood management, vulnerability, and disaster risk management
- Experience managing or supporting implementation of development assistance projects, with preference for experience with World Bank projects in Africa experience working in an international environment is desired
- Familiarity with post disaster situations is desired. Highly developed communication and advocacy skills, including the ability to write concisely and clearly
- Ability to take initiative and identify opportunities for collaboration proven interpersonal skills with government officials, development partners
- Field experience in Togo/West Africa
- Fluency in French and English, strong writing skills
- Ability to work in a fast track environment, with efficiency, competence and integrity with people of different cultural background.

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