MENAdrought synthesis of drought vulnerability in Lebanon: final report
This report summarizes MENAdrought findings on the underlying causes of vulnerability to drought impacts in Lebanon. It serves as a link between the impact assessment and policy planning process. Lebanon is water-rich compared to other Middle East and North Africa (MENA) nations, which historically has led government officials to place low priority on drought risk management. However, the intense droughts of 1998-2001, 2008, and 2013-2014 had widespread socio-economic impacts, which spurred increased official interest in drought.
Our assessment of drought history over the past two decades identified three nationally significant droughts in 2014, 2008, and 2001 as well as several years with interspersed, creeping, and late-onset droughts. We provide stakeholder characterization of drought impacts and describe the impacts that government officials prioritise to address nationally as well as regionally in the Litani and El Kelb basins through drought management planning exercises.