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Documents and publications
This study carried out flood vulnerability assessment (FVA) using quantitative methods by utilising MCA, ANN (machine learning) and multiple logistical regression.
Documents and publications
This report examines the application of a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to climate change programming (CCP) in Africa, paying attention to the criteria of adaptation, resilience, loss and damage, and human mobility as a facilitator of climate action.
Documents and publications
The objective of the Climate and Health Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) is to assist decision-makers in Malawi with planning effective adaptation measures to address climate-related health risks.
Research briefs
A study conducted by CMCC researchers addresses the accuracy of observational data sets and reanalysis in representing tropical cyclone associated precipitation trends, with a special focus on the record breaking storm of 2023, “Freddy”.
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
An African farmer with his herd of goats.
As a result of the drought, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network expects staple food prices to be higher across the region than in both 2023 and the five-year average.
Dialogue Earth
Young African girl drinking fresh water from a village tap
Landlocked and dependent primarily on rainfall, Malawi's socio-economic development is intricately linked to the availability of water. However, the specter of climate change has brought increased variability in rainfall patterns and water shortages.
African Development Bank
Documents and publications
This study was aimed at assessing households’ flood vulnerability (HFV) in rural and urban informal areas of Malawi, using case studies of Traditional Authority (T/A) Kilupula of Karonga District (KD) and Mtandire Ward in Lilongwe City (LC).
Shepherd leading a flock of goats in a sandy and dusty environment in Africa.
A record-breaking drought, fueled by the El Niño weather pattern, has caused widespread crop failure and national emergency declarations in Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Without harvests of maize, millions in the region are facing a severe hunger crisis.
Yale Environment 360

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