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Coordinator, disaster risk reduction & recovery team (DRRRT)

New York
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UNDP’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) is the practice lead in UNDP and much of the UN system on the prevention of armed conflict, mitigation and prevention of natural disasters, and related recovery work. BCPR’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Team (DRRRT) is responsible for practice development for DRRR. The goal of the Team is to provide support to UNDP country offices and UN Country Teams in their efforts to strengthen national capacities for disaster risk reduction, preparedness, recovery assessments, programmes and planning. The team provides high quality advice and programmatic support to UNDP country offices for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of DRRR activities.

The DRRRT draws on expertise from four groups:
1. Disaster Recovery and Preparedness;
2. Disaster Risk Reduction – both under the direct leadership of the Coordinator (DRRRT);
3. The Governance and Rule of Law Group (GRoLG);
4. the Livelihoods and Economic Group (LERG) – with ‘matrixed’ responsibility to both the Coordinator (DRRRT) and the Coordinator, Conflict Prevention and Recovery Team (CPRT).

Duties and responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:

- Leads, directs and represents the DRRRT and ensures solid management throughout
- Oversees policy formulation and development of the DRRR practice
- Provides strategic direction on DRRR within UNDP and the UN
- Oversees coherent programme development and organizational learning with quality assurance of advisory and programmatic support to UNDP country offices.
- Establishes and maintains strategic partnerships and alliances for UNDP on DRRR.

Leads, directs and represents the DRRRT and ensures solid management throughout the team, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Office of the Coordinator overseen, including all fundamental functional procedures
- Direction setting for team - including with all roles and responsibilities, accountability and reporting
- A harmonious working relationship established and maintained. Team building strengthened by encouraging active participation and interaction at all levels
- Oversee staff accountability and preparation of annual work plans that are aligned with UNDP and BCPR priorities ensuring staff engagement. Ensure that Results and Competencies Assessments (RCAs) are carried out according to UNDP procedures
- Coherence and information sharing through active engagement with other BCPR units and teams – including the development of workplans and regular follow up on results reporting
- Focal point for communications and external relations set and supported
- Culture of openness and regular feedback from all staff promoted. Foster staff motivation, development and empowerment and lead by example

Oversees policy formulation and advice on DRRR within UNDP, overseeing development of the practice within the larger UN system (in terms of DRRR’s linkages to human development) with particular focus on emerging issues such as climate change, urban risk management, area-based responses (eg. the Sahel) and gender, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Mainstreaming of DRR approaches and principles through HQ forums and country-level frameworks such as UN Development Assistant Frameworks (UNDAF), Country Programme Documents (CPD) and other relevant country level UN planning exercises, in close coordination with other units of BCPR, BDP, Regional Bureaux, UN agencies, the UN Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO) and other partners such as the World Bank and Regional Authorities
- Mainstreaming of DRRR concerns and practice into integrated responses, including Post-Disaster Needs
- Assessment (PDNAs) and early recovery coordination, strategic planning - and support to the utilization of assessments and tools for effective in-country response and recovery (i.e. post-disaster, post-conflict and recovery)
- Contribution to UNDP and UN programming analysis and guidance on issues of global significance or emerging agendas such as the conflict-disaster interface, climate change and crisis, land and natural resource management
- Lead in the development and implementation of UNDP Recovery Policies (including Early Recovery) from a DRRR perspective

Provides strategic direction to the work of the DRRRT in close collaboration with the BDP and Regional Bureaux, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Overall strategic direction for practice development in line with relevant UNDP Strategic Plan results, the Hyogo Framework for Action, and other UNDP and UN priorities
- Alignment of work plans to Bureau-wide strategies and priorities, in particular the Multi Year Resource Framework (MYRF), ensuring compliance with Bureau planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting requirements
- Leadership in monitoring and analysis of UNDP's global DRRR portfolio – annual review of UNDP DRRR country programs to obtain statistics, document results, obtain evidence and track trends for strategic decisions, communications, resource mobilization and early warning
- Lead in the identification of disaster risk-prone countries and pre-disaster recovery planning/preparedness measures to ensure that UNDP country offices as well as UNCT agencies and governments are well-equipped to coordinate and deliver effective preparedness, prevention and related recovery programmes
- Contribution to BCPR strategic planning and country prioritization exercises
- In collaboration with PPD (which is overall responsible for Risk Analysis), provision of Early Warning Data and Analysis through the effective identification of high-risk disaster regions and countries, potential types and scope of disasters, required interventions for preparedness as well as potential disaster response interventions
- Contribution to the development and implementation of BCPR’s Gender Equality Strategy through programming interventions that target and mainstream the specific livelihoods and recovery needs of women

Oversees coherent programme development and organizational learning on DRRR with quality assurance of advisory and programmatic support to UNDP country offices, including from Regional and National Disaster Specialists and Advisors, the Governance & Rule of Law and Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Groups in collaboration with the Coordinator of the Conflict Prevention and Recovery Team (CPRT), focusing on achievement of the following results:

- Coordinated support to UNDP country offices in their efforts to strengthen national capacities for disaster preparedness and response – and to UN humanitarian clusters in formulation, implementation, monitoring and reporting on DRRR programmes
- Technical guidance and support to BCPR’s Country Support Management Team (CSMT) and the Crisis Management Team in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters
- Contribution to BCPR collaborative and results-based strategic planning, prioritization monitoring and reporting exercises from a DRRR perspective
- Integrated, comprehensive and sustained UNDP and system-wide interventions for improved DRR at the country level, mobilizing resources across UNDP service lines and maximizing the comparative strengths of different organizations, ensuring a focus on high-risk countries
- Support to UNDP Country Offices in assessing opportunities and direct entry points for disaster preparedness, and assist in the formulation and design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of disaster preparedness and response programmes
- Empowerment and strengthening of national and local government as well as communities, including also particularly women, to perform respective roles related to reducing vulnerabilities, preparing for disasters and managing disaster responses
- In coordination with the Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Group, assistance to national and local efforts to promote sustainable livelihoods and recovery in disaster-prone countries
- Active promotion of a gender-focus, gender mainstreaming and capacity development approaches in all country support and knowledge development initiatives
- Oversight of the development of methodologies, tools, guidelines and other knowledge products relevant to enhanced DRRR in the key technical areas in which UNDP has competence, and in the context of inter-agency mechanisms, such as the International Recovery Platform (IRP), the Global Risk Identification Programme (GRIP) and the Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI)
- Establishment of priorities for the management of knowledge from UNDP DRRR programming, through periodic reporting, meetings, analysis of documents produced, lessons learned exercises and other means, in coordination with CSMT and PPD
- In collaboration with the CSMT and under the guidance of the Senior Deputy Director, identification, development and implementation of DRRR components of UNDP / BCPR organizational learning strategies
- Contribution to the design and implementation of bureau-wide strategies and initiatives for strengthening internal UNDP capacities including the development of tools, guidance, and training materials for country offices to enhance UNDP's capacities in DRRR
- In coordination with PPD (which is responsible for overall BCPR knowledge management and coordination), development and effective dissemination of high quality knowledge products (e.g. policies, practice notes, etc.) related to disaster risk reduction and recovery, in line with UNDP strategic priorities and corporate standards for knowledge management and in close collaboration with BDP and the Regional Bureaux
- Contribution to BCPR organizational learning efforts led by CSMT, including the development and delivery of training modules on disaster risk reduction and recovery

Establishes and maintains strategic partnerships and alliances for policy, advocacy, resource mobilization and strategic positioning of UNDP in the area of DRRR, focusing on achievement of the following results:

- In coordination with the PPD and the oversight of the Directorate, the development and maintenance of strategic partnerships for DRR, such as in the framework of ISDR in line with UNDP/BCPR Strategic priorities
- Advice and support to overall UNDP engagement with the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) and other international and regional agencies that lead and support global efforts on disaster preparedness, response and recovery
- Hosting of the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment Secretariat (PDNA)
- Capacity enhancement services to the UN system at the country level as well as governments through leadership and hosting of CADRI, in partnership with OCHA and the ISDR Secretariat;
- Substantive advice and support to overall UNDP and BCPR engagement with the international disaster risk reduction and recovery architecture, including: Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR); Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA); Inter-Agency Standing Committee/Executive Committee on Humanitarian Affairs (IASC/ECHA) Secretariat; United Nations Development Group (UNDG) and DOCO; International agencies that lead and support global efforts on disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, including the European Union Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), UNICEF, the World Bank, the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Health Organization (WHO), etc; Regional bodies including regional UN economic commissions, regional development banks, and regional integration bodies such as the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the Centre for the Coordination of Disaster Prevention in Central America (CEPREDENAC) of the Central America Integration System (SICA); Civilian deployment agencies (e.g. Norwegian Refugee Council, Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, etc.);
- In coordination with BCPR’s External Relations Team, instituting a system to ensure donor information briefings in support of communications and resource mobilization efforts in DRRR and for specific regional and country programmes – including ensuring a team focal point in place for monitoring, reporting and communications issues.

The key results will have a positive impact on the following: effective, relevant and timely support to COs, directly improved government capacity on national DRRR and implementation of regional projects, development of regional networks, knowledge and expertise, resource mobilization and establishment of alliances and information sharing, communications and synergies. The key results will also enhance the effectiveness of UNDP/BCPR in providing advisory services and technical assistance to UNDP country offices in DRRR.


Functional Competencies:

- Demonstrates political/cultural acumen in proposing technically sound, fact based approaches/solutions
- Develops internal organizational policies promoting strategic approaches to UNDP’s focus areas
- Makes effective use of UNDP’s resources and comparative advantage to strengthen partnerships
- Creates networks and promotes initiatives with partner organizations
- Participating in the development of policies and innovative approaches and promoting their application throughout the organization
- Actively seeks and promotes innovative methodologies and leads the development of supporting policies/tools to encourage learning and knowledge sharing
- Develops and/or participates in the development of policies and new approaches and participates in training of staff in their application throughout the organization
- Developing resource mobilization strategies at country level
- Contributes to the development of resource mobilization strategies at regional (sub-regional) level
- Actively develops partnerships with potential donors and government counterparts in all sectors at country level
- Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in disaster risk reduction and recovery, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures
- Keeps abreast of new developments in area of disaster risk reduction and recovery and seeks to develop him/herself personally
- Demonstrates expert knowledge of the current programme guidelines and project management tools and manages the use of these regularly in work assignments
- Meeting long-term client needs
- Proactively identifies, develops and discusses solutions for internal and external clients, and persuades management to undertake new projects or services
- Consults with clients and ensures their needs are represented in decision-making processes

Core Competencies:

- Ethics & Values: Promoting Ethics and Integrity / Creating Organizational Precedents. Demonstrates and promotes the highest standard of integrity, impartiality, fairness and incorruptibility in all matters affecting his/her work and status
- Organizational Awareness: Building support and political acumen. Builds and maintains alliances and networks of partners, colleagues and interest groups inside and outside of the organization to achieve results
- Developing & Empowering People/Coaching and Mentoring: Building staff competence, Creating an environment of creativity and innovation. Takes appropriate risk in developing new or adapting existing methods and approaches to more effectively perform tasks or to solve problems in new and unique ways
- Working in Teams: Building and promoting effective teams. Encourages and creates mechanisms to share expertise and team approaches between HQ Units, Country Offices and regional centers, as well as with other partners and stakeholders
- Communicating Information and Ideas: Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication
Makes effective use of existing communication tools and creates new ones to ensure effective internal and external communication
- Self Management & Emotional Intelligence: Creating an emotionally intelligent organization. Provides a sense of direction and purpose, and maintains operational effectiveness of the organization, even during times of organizational crisis or change
- Conflict Management/Negotiating & Resolving Disagreements: Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards. Acts as a role model for positive handling of potentially situations of conflict to others inside and outside the organization
- Knowledge Sharing & Continuous Learning: Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning. Creates, supports, and promotes an enabling environment for organizational knowledge sharing and learning including the use of technology
- Appropriate and Transparent Decision-making: Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking
Ensures that criteria and reasons for important decisions are communicated and explained to all those affected, especially in the case of tough or sensitive decisions

Required Skills and Experience


- A minimum of a Master’s degree or equivalent in one of the following disciplines: social sciences, civil engineering, architecture and planning, development studies or a discipline relevant to disaster reduction and recovery


- At least 15 years of progressively responsible professional experience at the national and international level in implementing, planning and managing programmes, strategies and policies related to disaster risk reduction and recovery for national governments, intra-governmental regional organizations and/or the United Nations or other international organizations
- Experience should include at least 10 years in-depth experience in one or more disaster-prone regions (Asia and Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, Africa and Arab States)
- Candidate should be an internationally recognized expert in disaster risk reduction and recovery and have a proven track record of excellent management and leadership skills
- Proven team leadership, strategic planning, communications and management skills are an imperative
- Knowledge and experience of UNDP and UN system policies and programming is desirable.

Language Requirements:

- Fluency in English, both oral and written, is required;
- working knowledge of other official UN language (preferably French or Spanish) is an asset.

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