Disaster risk reduction in Africa: Status report (2015)
This report profiles the frequency, location and severity of natural hazards across Africa, a continent that holds half of the world’s most risk-prone countries, and is experiencing a rising number of disasters. The report examines risk drivers that exacerbate natural hazards’ impacts on populations, and analyses the state of Africa’s preparedness against the risk of disaster in relation to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA, 2005–2015). The authors consider the roles of other stakeholders, such as the private sector, as well as the financing and investments supporting countries to prepare for disasters.
The report presents findings on five indicators, including hazard and disaster impact profile of Africa, disaster risk drivers in Africa, status of Africa's implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), investment and financing for disaster risk reduction in Africa, and the transition from the HFA to the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Within these indicators, the report contains many key findings, included but not limited to the following:
- Losses in human lives dropped between 2005 and 2015 while the number of people needing immediate assistance and those injured rose during the same period (p. 2).
- Africa faces a huge challenge from climate change. About 22 African countries are highly vulnerable to climate change, often manifested through drought (p. 19).
- Progress has been slow in the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action. Many of the issues and challenges in the 2011–2013 reporting period still prevail in the 2013–2015 reporting period (p. 31).
- While disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Africa is being financed through national budget allocation, the private sector and international sources, it is clear more needs to be done (p. 51).
- An immediate priority is to enhance the existing mechanisms and tools that measure progress in DRR, and review and assess risk baselines against the guidance contained in the Sendai Framework (p. 61).
The report concludes by looking forward to how preparedness will be measured by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030).
This report was produced by Development Initiatives on behalf of UNISDR. The full report is forthcoming.