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The Caribbean is bracing itself for an intense hurricane season. A fragrant plant could help limit damage from extreme weather in Trinidad.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Caribbean private sector
Caribbean islands are in a water crisis, and their governments have warned that water scarcity may become the new norm.
Conversation Media Group, the
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Trinidad and Tobago, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems’Capacities in the Caribbean Region
Documents and publications
This study provides an updated assessment of the status of MHEWS for all CDEMA Participating States (PS).
CREWS in the Caribbean
A successful 3,5-year project in the Caribbean has demonstrated the benefits of strong collaboration between development agencies and local partner and of better weather, water and climate services to save lives and livelihoods of vulnerable communities.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Disaster risk reduction and climate change stakeholders meet to discuss integrated planning
Trinidad and Tobago - government
Flooding across Trinidad in the opening days of the rainy season was an unpleasant reminder that flood early warning systems are imperative to protect property, save lives and mitigate the economic and social impact of flooding.
Newsday - Daily News Limited
In Trinidad and Tobago 41 activities are planned under the theme 'Being Disaster Prepared Is My Responsibility': evacuation drills, workshops, business continuity training, a community symposium, a public education fair & climate change education.
Newsday - Daily News Limited

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