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In this podcast series, broadcaster Bola Mosuro talks to researchers, aid workers and herders about some of the new crises facing the drylands and the dynamic ways in which people are responding to meet them.
Overseas Development Institute
International Livestock Research Institute
Mercy Corps
Documents and publications
This desk study aims to bridge pastoralist knowledge, local practices, and external interventions by synthesizing literature on pastoral knowledge and practices from the Greater Horn of Africa, Sudano-Sahel regions, and beyond.
Documents and publications
This study unveils diverse disaster risk trends and patterns, revealing variations in hazards, vulnerability, and coping capacity across African countries by utilizing the INFORM risk model data spanning from 2012 to 2022
Cover and source: World Bank
Documents and publications
This report provides an overview of the state of ASP across six Sahelian countries as well as a set of recommendations for actions to strengthen the adaptiveness and responsiveness of existing systems to shocks.
Cover and source: Global Earthquake Model Foundation
Documents and publications
This seismic risk profile of Chad, produced by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation summarizes key metrics of seismic risk, allowing stakeholders in risk management to get an overview of the risk in the country.
Kwazulu Natal floods, 2022
Chad’s GDP growth was modest due to the impact of floods and a volatile security environment, which hindered the expected recovery.
World Bank, the
Young woman and a child sitting at a market in Mauritania
This article presents 10 countries researchers have identified as most at risk of climate disaster. The IRC and WRI analyzed where climate crises are likely to occur and whether affected countries have the capacity to respond in vulnerable communities.
International Rescue Committee
Cover iied
Documents and publications
This paper explains how best to equip social protection programmes to help communities better absorb the effects of climate risks, adapt to climate impacts and transform their capacities to address growing climate stresses.

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