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Documents and publications
This study develops a new integrated agent-based framework for designing building emergency evacuation by using Building Information Model (BIM).
Documents and publications
This study aims at identifying challenges of the existing disaster preparedness education programs for children in Iran.
Documents and publications
In this brief communication, the authors report results from a recent investigation carried out by field surveys and remote sensing data regarding the impacts of the 2022 Emamzadeh Davood event in Iran.
Documents and publications
This study aims to analyze flood resilience (FR) in Karaj City, Iran, using a new fuzzy method which combines several qualitative and quantitative indices
The analysis of the lessons learned and the available documents regarding the Bam earthquake in Iran (2003) shows that the preparedness of people and organizations to face this event was very low.
Sepid newspaper
Cover- Iran VNR
Documents and publications
This is Iran's Voluntary National Report for the Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 (MTR SF).
As climate threats from flooding to water scarcity rise, Iranians see little help on the horizon.
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
Continuing drought brings food insecurity and a risk for emerging or ongoing conflict in Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, as well as Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, according to a new quarterly update that analyses finds from a global early warning tool.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Office - IHE DELFT Institute for Water Education

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