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Identifying regional hotspots of heatwaves, droughts, floods, and their co-occurrences
Documents and publications
This paper presents a framework to aid in the selection of optimal environmental indicators for detecting and mapping extreme events and analyzing trends in heatwaves, meteorological and hydrological droughts, floods, and their compound occurrence.
Rising food prices are causing more and more people to go hungry in sub-Saharan Africa. My new research shows that an overlooked cause could be El Niño, a climate phenomenon in the Pacific that affects weather patterns globally.
Conversation Media Group, the
Research briefs
Severe drought in the American Southwest and Mexico and more severe wet years in the Northeast are the modern norm in North America, according to new research – and the analysis suggests these seasonal patterns will be more extreme in the future.
Ohio State University
A tired and stressed worker sweating from the hot weather in the summer working in a port goods cargo shipping logistic ground,
Research briefs
Severe weather costs the global economy billions of dollars a year, highlighting the costs of climate change and the value of mitigating extreme weather, according to a new analysis of weather and economic data.
University of Florida
A farmer overlooking his dried up field.
Research briefs
Sicily and Sardinia, important centres of agriculture and tourism have suffered from exceptionally low rainfall and very high temperatures over the last 12 months, culminating in extreme drought conditions from May 2024 onwards.
World Weather Attribution
Climate change will increase the risk and severity of droughts in parts of Canada that already struggle with water shortages, like the southern Prairies and the interior of British Columbia.
Canadian Climate Institute (L'Institut Climatique du Canada)
Iraq drought and desert
Drought creeps in gradually, often going unnoticed until it reaches a critical stage. This slow progression makes drought particularly challenging to manage and mitigate.
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Documents and publications
This brief draws attention to the key benefits of addressing air pollution and the benefit to human health, climate and crop production: Precipitation and temperature benefits; Human health in Africa; Land degradation; and Crop yields.

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