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Documents and publications

From the Asian tsunami to hurricanes Katrina and Rita to the recent earthquake in Pakistan, disasters both natural and human-induced are leading to spiralling costs in terms of human lives, the destruction of homes, businesses, public buildings and

Documents and publications

A first meeting on "Analysis of catastrophic avalanches occurred in the EU and proposal for concrete measures" was held at the EC Joint Research Centre Ispra on 4 and 5 October 1999. The meeting was organised in the context of the NEDIES project conducted

Documents and publications

Snow avalanches represent the major natural hazard in Europe's mountain areas during the winter. Harsh, changing conditions regarding mainly snowfall and snowpack in these areas, coupled with the increase in winter sport activities, tourism and therefore

Documents and publications

Illustrated with examples from recent research in the field, this book summarizes the most pertinent and useful information about the public health impact of disasters. It is divided into four sections dealing with general issues, geophysical events

Documents and publications

Overall, the negative health impacts of global climate change are anticipated to significantly outweigh positive impacts. Furthermore, global climate change will continue for decades, even after the effective implementation of mitigation measures. By

Documents and publications

Developing Community Weather-safe Structures and Behaviour. Research Series Report 2

This 18-month research report shows that non English speakers (NESH) in Australia, normally recent immigrants or refugees, are among the most marginalized for hearing

Documents and publications

World Bank policy research working paper 3939, June 2006.

Cost-benefit analysis is a standard tool for determining the efficiency of planned projects. However, one of the major difficulties in risk mitigation investments is that benefits are by nature

At a stakeholders' forum last week, the Deputy Governor, Mr. Arapaja said that, once implemented, the policy would reduce risks from both natural and man-induced disasters in the state....
Daily Trust, Media Trust

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