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Guyana faces the effects of climate change and has realised the increasing need for an efficient hydro-meteorological operating center and multi-hazard early warning systems which are important tools in disaster risk reduction management...
Guyana - government
The recent shift of disaster risk management from response to prevention and preparedness and a greater attention to educate families, as the first responders in the risk management, have opened the way to a major involvement of women in the design and implementation of civil protection measures at all levels...
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Programme on Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters
Photo by Jabi - El de verdad CC BY-NC 2.0
'The world is warming because of human activities and this is resulting in far-reaching and potentially irreversible impacts on our Earth, atmosphere and oceans,' said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud...
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Documents and publications

This issue of WMO annual survey on weather and climate change provides evidence that 2011 had the highest global mean surface temperature levels in a La Niña year. Highlighting a number of climate extremes, it provides evidences of the major impacts of

Photo by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
'Samoa reminds us of the vulnerability of Pacific Island states to natural disasters, as well as food and fuel price spikes and the global economic slowdown – and how we can work together to overcome these difficulties,' stated World Bank Regional Vice President for East Asia and Pacific, Pamela Cox...
World Bank, the
Photo by Marc Smith CC BY 2.0
'This initiative further endorses one of the essentials the city has met in terms of acquiring ‘role model status’ as part of the UN’s International Strategy for Disaster Reduction – My City is Getting Ready Campaign,' said JP Smith, Capetown's mayoral committee member for safety and security...
New Age, The, TNA Media Ltd
Policies and plans

Disasters put development at risk and development choices can likewise generate new disaster risks, The increasing interest of ECOWAS member states in disaster risk reduction has mainly been driven by efforts to fulfill its peace and security mandate

H.E Mr Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, President of the 66th Session of the UN General Assembly, with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms Margareta Wahlström, at the opening of the exhibition 'Saving the Day After Tomorrow: Accelerating sustainable development through disaster risk reduction' (UN Photo / Paulo Filgueiras)
The newly formed Group of Friends for Disaster Risk Reduction this week launched a powerful photo exhibition at the UN in New York to coincide with the opening of the so-called "informal-informal" negotiations leading up to the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development or Rio+20.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - New York UNHQ Liaison Office

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