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Consultancy: Evaluation of emergency WASH project in Ethiopia

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Evaluation Consultancy Terms of Reference

Project Title: Emergency Response to Drought in Ethiopia 2016/2017

1. Introduction

Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia (HFHE), affiliated to Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a non-profit Christian organization aiming at improving housing conditions in Ethiopia. During 2016/2017 HFHE implemented an emergency response project addressing immediate needs related to access to safe drinking water in Silte Region, Ethiopia, heavily affected by drought. The project was possible due to the financial support provided by The JTI Foundation (JTIF). The post implementation evaluation is commissioned by JTIF and will help HFHI to improve disaster response internal processes and mechanisms by learning from this experience in Ethiopia.

2. Background

Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. Since 1976, Habitat for Humanity has helped 6.8 million people find strength, stability and independence through safe, decent and affordable shelter. HFHI works through a broad network of national Habitat organizations and other strategic partners, such as corporations, financial service providers, individuals, non-governmental organizations, foundations, local governments, as well as private and third sector actors. The project has been implemented in Silte Zone of the Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR), one of the nine regional states of Ethiopia. Silte Zone is one of the areas severely hit by drought caused by El Niño occurred in 2016/2017. Due to failure of rain and draining of water sources, more than 70,000 people face shortage of water in the Zone. HFHE implemented in the past smaller disaster response projects, so the emergency project was building on some existing experience. HFHI provided additional technical support building mostly on existing similar projects in other countries. Nevertheless, HFH Ethiopia had at that time extensive experience in WASH sector; therefore, some activities are reflecting their existing capacity and expertise (i.e. community hygiene trainings and promotion, etc.). The main technical solution- water backpacks used by recipients to fetch water instead of traditional jerry cans, was chosen by HFHI based on its previous responses and existing supply chain and international connections. Therefore, logistics, international transport, procurement and coordination with our teams on the ground were key elements in this response. Given this complexity, timing, custom clearance and supplier issues, the project was implemented with several months delay. These are some of the aspects, which the proposed evaluation would focus on. In addition, the external evaluator will seek to reflect the effectiveness of related internal communication flows, decision-making process and protocols. Finally, the evaluation will provide suggestions and options for improvement and learning and identify aspects that contributed to project success – if any.

3. Project objectives, activities and outcomes

The main objective of the project was to respond to the WASH needs of 7,500 families in 12 communities (Kebeles) of Alicho and Sankura woredas (districts) who have been affected by severe shortage of water caused by the worst drought in 30 years. The project intended to ensure availability of clean and safe drinking water and improve community awareness on hygiene and sanitation through community-based hygiene promotion campaigns. It was expected to improve the health conditions of children, women and the community in the project area through safe use of water. This goal was supposed to be achieved by direct distribution of 7,500 water backpacks to the most vulnerable and isolated families, so they can collect and carry home the safe drinking water from the main distribution points or new boreholes. Due to severity of the problem, some households, especially those who do not have livestock have started to migrate to urban areas in search of water and food. From a quick assessment carried by Habitat and its implementing partners, it was identified that around 70,000 people are affected by serious water shortage in Siltie Zone’s. 72, 534 people living in 6 rural communities (Kebeles) of 2 districts in the Siltie Zone (SNNPR) were targeted as both direct and indirect beneficiaries. Out of these, 37,500 people were expected to directly benefit from the project while the remaining 35,034 indirectly. The direct beneficiaries were intended to benefit from the provision of water, hygiene and sanitation, awareness creation while the indirect beneficiaries were expected to benefit from awareness creation, hygiene and sanitation trainings.

Project Activities:

A1. The water backpacks were ordered, procured and shipped to Ethiopia. HFH International directly coordinated all the preparatory and related logistics through the EMEA regional office. HFHE ensured duty free or custom tax and temporary warehousing.

A2. HFH Ethiopia organized the local partners and ensured transportation and distribution to the field. Coordinated distribution of 7,500 Water Backpacks was organized for the most vulnerable and isolated families, especially the women headed families

A3. All backpack end-users were provided with locally available and accepted water purification solutions and treatment. Chlorine tablets and other chemical solutions were procured in coordination with UNICEF which is the country WASH cluster leading agency monitoring also the centralized tablets procurement system.

A4. Hygiene and sanitation trainings were conducted simultaneously with the distribution of the backpacks. The local teams conducted awareness and education for drought affected communities on the proper use of backpacks, treatment and storage of water. Additionally, community members received information on appropriate sanitation and hygiene practices.

A5. Monitoring and post distribution follow up with families was done. The local teams did family random visits and checks. Additional trainings or WASH related information support were to be provided, when needed. The activities were implemented in collaboration with the community and the District and Zonal Water, Energy and Mineral offices. Habitat provided continuous technical support throughout the project implementation period. In addition, the WASH cluster provided additional support when necessary but also incorporated the current intervention in the broader country level response for coordination. HFH Ethiopia was also responsible for supplying project inputs and logistical support.

Besides the coordination role, the organization provided all staff necessary for the implementation of the project.

  • Total project budget: $196,324
  • JTIF contribution: CHF152, 317.51
  • Habitat contribution: $35,000

4. Evaluation purpose

The purpose of the evaluation is to enable HFHI understand what went well or wrong and to allow for an independent structured evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of intervention. The purpose of this evaluation is to help HFHI to understand what worked, what did not work and what could be improved to inform future programming in disaster response in terms of internal process.

5. Specific objectives

  • To provide a comprehensive analysis of the project’s achievements vs targets and project timelines;
  • To provide overall recommendations and identify lessons to be learned for informing future programming;
  • To provide an objective overview of internal process and protocols used during the response starting with inception, design phase and continuing with implementation on the ground.
  • To provide a detailed overview of all logistics and related issues, their impact on project management and success, investment from donor, including the international components of the intervention.
  • To highlight the organizational preparedness and readiness elements when responding to this disaster and to propose improvements.
  • Assess the quality of the implementation of the project against agreed, planned and expected actions;
  • Assess how effectively the project has addressed the challenges encountered, including assessing the project’s rationale;
  • Account to local stakeholders and funders for the project’s performance.
  • Verify whether the funds were used effectively and efficiently to deliver results (assessing Value for Money).
  • Consider how this work can be used to develop resilience longer-term strategies in Ethiopia and in the context of climatic shocks.

6. Methodology

The evaluation should adhere to international best practice standards in evaluation, including the OECD DAC International Quality Standards for Development Evaluation. Exact methodology will be determined based on consultant’s recommendation and final decision of HFHI and JTIF’s staff. We expect that the job will entail desk research, representative for B&H sample selection, field interviews and focus group discussions with stakeholders, analysis of findings and recommendations. The consultant will present a draft report to designated HFHI and JTIF’s staff to ensure that the final study fully meets the evaluation needs, and that any methodological adjustments that may be warranted are identified early on in the process. The final report will be delivered after the draft findings have been reviewed and commented on, responding to any remaining questions or data analysis needs identified, and that can be accommodated within the established timeframe and budget. The methods and assessment frameworks employed for this evaluation should facilitate the collection and analysis of data, be relevant to the specific objectives outlined in section above and make optimal use of existing data.

7. Logistics and procedures 

The evaluator will formally report to the EMEA Disaster Response Manager. Day to day support, facilitation and coordination will be provided by Habitat for Humanity International in Ethiopia, which will provide support in terms of setting up interviews, getting travel permission and informing relevant stakeholders of the evaluation. 8. OUTPUTS Required outputs include:

  • An evaluation plan and methodology to be developed and delivered during inception phase of studies;
  • An inception report.
  • One power-point presentation to JTIF and HFHI at the end of final evaluation, detailing evaluation framework, process, findings and recommendations;
  • For the study, a first draft of the final report submitted to the evaluation coordinator for consultation and a final evaluation report and summary report of publishable quality written in English.

9. Time frame

The whole program evaluation process will take a maximum of 30 working days (excluding weekends) that include desktop research, preparation, field visits and work with communities, field office visit and meetings with HFH Ethiopia relevant staff, and report writing. The evaluation should start no later than first of November 2018. Final Report will be submitted no later than 30 January 2019.

10. Budget

The consultant’s budget should cover for all anticipated costs to conduct the whole exercise. This should include all anticipated taxes, including all operational costs (e.g. transport, lodging, meals) and fees (e.g. consultancy fees and fees for the enumerators). A detailed and easy to follow budget is expected with budget notes.

11. Consultant profile

Given the nature of the task, the consultant should have skills set that cover social, technical, environmental, and institutional aspects of climatological emergency response and WASH service delivery:

  • Consultant should have at least an advanced degree in Public Health, Environmental, Development studies or other WASH or Shelter related qualifications.
  • Demonstrated experience in disaster response, emergency sector or organizational preparedness and readiness.
  • Demonstrated experience in carrying out impact evaluations, demonstrable relevant practical experience in qualitative and quantitative research methodology, evaluation design and implementation.
  • Good understanding of the humanitarian context in Ethiopia or similar contexts from the region.
  • Experience of effective interaction with local and national organizations, government departments, and marginalized communities in rural areas.
  • Good spoken and written communication skills in English.
  • Proven experience of using participatory tools as a means of data collection for project evaluation

12. Reporting and contracting arrangements

The Consultant will:

  • Develop a rigorous plan and methodology for the evaluation;
  • Map and review project documentation and conduct other data collection methodologies to fulfil the evaluation as approved by HFHI and JTIF.
  • Hold a half-day workshop (remotely using modern technology) to share the findings, solicit inputs and identify potential future steps from a group of interested stakeholders including HFHI and JTIF.
  • Produce full and summary final evaluation reports.

HFHI will:

  • Make available all appropriate documentation and resources for the evaluation.
  • Support the coordination of key informant interviews and ensure that key project staff are available for interviews.
  • Coordinate timely feedback to the draft evaluation reports and submit a management response to the final full report. Applicants for this consultancy should provide the following:
  • A proposal showing your understanding of the assignment and how you would approach the work including proposed methodologies any foreseen challenges, timeline and budget.
  • An up-to-date CV

Please submit your tender to Mihai Grigorean at [email protected] by 29 October 2018.

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Hazard Drought
Country and region Ethiopia
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