Heat resilient cities: Measuring benefits of urban heat adaptation - Methodology note for the tool development
Urban Heat Islands are an unintended consequence of our increasing urbanisation. With global temperatures projected to increase in the coming years – addressing Urban heat becomes increasingly important. Ramboll has helped C40 Cities set up and test a tool that measures the benefits from urban heat adaption initiatives.
The aim in developing this tool is to provide decision-makers with a first-step assessment on what health benefits and ultimately economic benefits, urban heat adaptation options could provide the city with. The use of the tool is to support well-informed city investments that not only address the urban heat issues but also acts to improve urban liveability overall.
The aim of the methodology report is to provide an overview of the process and method used in developing the Heat Resilient Cities. The development process is divided into three overall activities; 1) Data research for establishing and quantifying causal links, 2) Pilot tool development, 3) Review, testing and finalisation of the quantification methodology and tool mechanics.