Early warnings for all: Executive action plan 2023-2027
This Executive Action Plan summarizes the initial actions required to achieve the goal of ensuring every person on Earth is protected by early warning systems within five years, and sets out the pathway to implementation. It calls for an estimated new targeted investments of US$3.1 billion over the five years to advance the four multi-hazard early warning system (MHEWS) pillars from a scientific & technical, policy and financial perspective.
The plan identifies key areas for advancing universal disaster risk knowledge, and outlines the priority actions required to achieve this, building on the Sendai Target G report. It prioritizes the top technical actions required to enhance capacity to detect hazards, close the observations gap, and advance global forecast data processing systems and data exchange, optimizing international efforts. The plan highlights the infrastructure, governance and people-centered approach required to effectively disseminate and communicate warnings. It outlines the policies, capacities, finance and collaboration needed to improve preparedness and response capabilities over the next five years.