From climate risk to resilience: Unpacking the economic impacts of climate change in Mozambique
This report, focused on Mozambique, forms part of “From Climate Risk to Resilience,” a series of country studies that analyze and explore the potential economic and social impacts of climate change on Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zambia, focusing on climate-vulnerable and critical economic sectors. The series is produced by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), as commissioned by the African Climate Foundation (ACF), with additional support from the CGIAR Research Initiative on Foresight.
Each report summarizes an extensive literature review and internal views and recommendations in four main areas. Section 1 unpacks recent and projected changes to the country’s climate profile and patterns, including updated climate scenario analysis modelling. Section 2 considers the potential implications of these projected climate changes for key economic sectors and for the economy as a whole. It also touches on the fiscal, trade, and other macroeconomic implications of climate change. Section 3 provides an overview of each government’s existing and planned climate adaptation measures and priorities, as well as key challenges. Section 4 concludes with strategic considerations and suggestions, informed by the country’s specific circumstances, and the subsequent steps that could support mobilization of funding for climate adaptation and resilience measures.