The GADMC 2023 call for abstracts is open. Animal Evac New Zealand is looking to receive conference abstracts from a range of speakers across academia (incl. citizen science), government, and practice. This year's conference themes include:
Law, policy and planning
- Climate change challenges
- International humanitarian law and its application to animals in disasters
- Disaster planning for feedlots and commercial animal housing facilities
- The US PAWS Act and its what it means for the future
- Sendai Framework: progress and prognosis
Armed conflict
- Post-conflict animal-inclusive recovery frameworks
- Radiological considerations and decontamination
- Impact on livestock, wildlife, companion animals during armed conflict
- Human-animal studies in armed conflict
Disaster response
- Welfare of search and rescue dogs in emergency and disaster response
- Animal disaster triage and decontamination
- Disaster impact assessment for productive animal farms
- Integration of human-animal response/rescue (One Rescue)
- Case studies in state or national disasters affecting animals
Emerging issues
- Temporary animal sheltering during disaster response and recovery
- One Health in animal disaster management
- Technology that can advance animal disaster management
- Impact and opportunities for artificial intelligence in animal disaster management
*Other topics not listed but related to the conference theme will be considered and are encouraged.*
More about the conference
The Global Animal Disaster Management Conference (GADMC) is the world’s largest emergency management conference that focuses on promoting animal-inclusive resilient communities. This conference brings together animal welfare experts, disaster management professionals, and stakeholders from around the world to discuss the challenges faced during animal disasters and how to better manage them.
The conference will be held online between 28-31 July 2023 and will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and case studies on various topics related to animal disaster management. The online format offers a staggered series of free-to-view online webinars. The interactive presentations offer convenient time zones for those presenting and viewing. The conference will also provide an opportunity for networking and knowledge sharing among the attendees.
Previously, GADMC 2021 boasted over 45 presenters from 16 countries, and more than 1,500 delegates registered to attend.
Closing date: