Tackling the climate and inequality crisis for children: Albania data snapshot
This spotlight seeks to include data on climate change, finance policy and outcomes for children, including data on SDG progress and government spending on education, health, social protection and food security and nutrition. Save the Children’s series of National Data Snapshots exploring data on the climate and inequality crisis is a collection of country briefings to support national advocacy to compliment the Generation Hope agenda for a greener and fairer future for children.
The spotlight makes recommendations to governments based on national priorities:
- Shock-proof essential services for children and respond to the climate and inequality crisis in a way that recognises its multidimensional impacts.
- Treat the climate crisis as the emergency it is.
- Develop climate and inequality policy that recognises the short and long-term economic and other impacts of climate disasters, particularly for most-excluded groups.
- Work with all stakeholders - including children - to deliver a holistic response to climate change.