Reducing disaster risk through trust and tangibles: Stories of change and good practices in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in Rakhine State, Myanmar
This report aims to share good practices and stories of change from Rakhine State in Myanmar with regard to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). The stories were collected from villages participating in a project implemented jointly by Malteser International and the Community Empowerment and Resilience Association (CERA) in Rakhine State. The study was conducted to support and inspire action, create discussion and promote further cooperation.
This collection of stories of change and good practices show the benefits of DRR and CCA from a different perspective - that of the beneficiaries themselves. Through the eleven stories in this report, villagers give a first-hand account on the most significant changes that DRR has brought to their lives. The stories tell of the value of feeling prepared, of better working together, of greater inclusion and empowerment, of improved livelihoods. Villagers’ stories tell of changes towards a more proactive mindset, of better links with local authorities, and of better organization within villages. They tell of better care and inclusion of persons with disabilities, and of women’s empowerment. They show appreciation of mangrove forests and of coastal resource management more generally.
In conclusion, the study highlights the need for community trust and tangible action for effective DRR. There are opportunities to further build community resilience and for improved cooperation.