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NTNU's mission in society encompasses the expectations placed on NTNU by the nation as well as the world community, and the challenges in society that the university wishes to address. This is a governing principle for our activities.
As a university, NTNU has a particular responsibility for long-term basic research and academic development. They aim to offer research-based education at all levels, emphasizing postgraduate studies and doctoral degrees. They will disseminate knowledge and manage expertise in nature, culture, society and technology. NTNU will be a bearer of culture and will contribute to innovation in society, industry, and public-sector activities.
Voluntary Commitments
The Sendai Framework Commitments (SFVC) online platform serves to incentivize stakeholders to inform the public about their work, to provide a vehicle for sharing commitments and initiatives and for motivation toward the implementation of the Sendai Framework. In turn, UNDRR can monitor and take stock of the progress and impact.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology is involved in the following commitments: