Deveryware participates in the fight against the coronavirus

Source(s): Deveryware
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By Paco Martinez

Through the POCRISC application, the level of sectoral contagion of the population can be visualized, both locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

The need to locate the epicenter, environments and ramifications of catastrophes is already a measured and evaluated certainty.

Only ten days have elapsed since the confinement decreed by Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, which declared the state of alarm for the management of the health crisis caused by COVID-19 and its extension has already been announced. two more weeks, at least, at the end of March 29, a series of observations can be made regarding the control, or not, of the health alert.

Let's go point to point.

Being the object of the preventive measures imposed in Spain, supposedly among the most restrictive in the world, and with the experiences of China and the closest in Italy, to stop the expansion of the coronavirus, the control of the pandemic could have been sectorized (not regionalized or localized) for greater knowledge of the health and Civil Protection authorities that could have managed a useful algorithm based on real-time reality in decision-making.

On the one hand, POCRISC analyzes:

  • critical points of infected people

  • expansion from them

  • degree of severity of infection

  • location of mandatory confinement for positive PCR

  • profile of the infected person…

and, on the other, to optimize health resources, both hospitalization and palliative in all its stages: confinement, hospital admission, ICU. In short, having control of the situation based on efficient information management.

What does it take to get that control?

When, in addition, the time factor is crucial for human lives. A management tool is needed that allows all these data to be contributed and provides both data and results based on conceptualized, piloted and experienced algorithms on simulated and real events.

The method used is specified based on the experience accumulated in large emergencies caused by earthquakes, a green, yellow and red color code, which enables or disables damaged homes. If we extrapolate it to COVID-19:

  • green means negative test, no infection

  • yellow tests positive, mild infection requiring only confinement and assisted medical care

  • red, positive CRP, serious infection that would lead to hospital admission.

With this, a contagion map is obtained in real time with:

  • the profile of each patient or free of viral load -age

  • members in the family unit

  • previous pathologies

... that would allow both in the field of civil protection and health care to act directly on the focus and for the Administration to make decisions closer to reality.

And its objectives, thanks to uses such as:

  • control people on public roads

  • food and drug distribution coordination

  • nursing home evaluation

  • management of incidents

  • transit of people in shops or management of disinfection tasks , among others.

A crisis management tool for the authorities

This innovative project is aimed at providing civil and health authorities with a true continuous cycle of decision-making:

  • Top-down (takes data),

  • Bottom-up (data) and (analysis and determine actions)

  • Top-down (actions and new data collection).

Deveryware does not analyze the information, it provides a technological tool that connects it between the user and the competent authority , intervening only in monitoring the status of the data collection tasks so that they are carried out, triage and export the data.

The tool has already been successfully tested in practical exercises (drills) and the results have been satisfactory at all levels:

  • data collection through an app installed on a smartphone or tablet with an Android operating system

  • dashboard from an administrator panel through the web browser

  • security in data transition only to authorities

  • emergency management ... in everyone.

Test area in Malaga

Currently, Civil Protection of the Provincial Council of Malaga has opted for its use for the coordination of the tasks to be carried out by the different civil protection groups of the municipalities of the province and with:

  • support and advice in the detection of use cases of the Chair of Safety, Emergencies and Catastrophes of the University of Malaga

  • the Department of Geography of the UMA

  • the Association of Civil Protection Technicians of Andalusia (ATPCA)

  • UNITAR CIFAL Office of the Malaga City Council

  • the GEOVOLUNTARIOS COVID-19 group organized by ESRI ESPAÑA

  • College of Property Administrators of Malaga and Melilla.

Deveryware, through a branch in Spain, grants a license for free use to emergency administrations and services , as an R + D + I project and during the crisis management period caused by COVID-19 for validation of the application.

Among its qualities are rapid integration and deployment , making its application little more than immediate .

Compliance with European standards

In addition, it is perfectly integrable in the PEMEA network thanks to the use of standards (ETSI TS103 478) used in the European platform and compatible with any tablet or smartphone on the market , being able to operate both internationally and nationally between areas with its own competences , as in Spain the autonomous communities can be.

In France, the connection to the GIS analysis platform is made using RESILIENCY , also from Deveryware.

Deveryware has a computer platform for the coordination of damage assessments and habitability of buildings after a disaster, developed within the European project INTERREG POCTEFA "POCRISC".

Whose roots go back to the earthquake in Lorca in 2011, the balance of which resulted in more than 30,000 affected homes and the coordination of 3,000 collaborators.

From this experience, the need for an evaluation tool is extracted , in this case by COVID19, applicable not only to any natural or human-made catastrophe, but also to any eventuality, such as the one we are suffering in the planet.

More information: Contact Paco Martinez 


ETSI TS103 478  

Geovoluntarios COVID19 


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