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Evaluation of the capacity for disaster risk reduction initiative

Home-based, with travel to selected countries
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The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is an inter-agency project of UNDP’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP/BCPR), the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and the secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). The CADRI project has been designed by the three UN agencies based on stakeholder inputs and has received funding the UNDP/ BCPR allocations process, as well as contributions from UNISDR and UNOCHA (staff and office space). The executing agency of the project is United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

CADRI was formally launched in June 2007 at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, with a mission to increase capacity development for disaster risk reduction (DRR) at global, regional and local levels. CADRI’s mandate covers the full spectrum of disaster risk management – preparedness, response, recovery and risk reduction – and is guided by the five priorities identified in the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015. CADRI directly supports a key result in UNDP’s Strategic Plan (2008-2013), “Strengthened national capacities, including the participation of women, to prevent, reduce, mitigate and cope with the impact of the systemic shocks from natural hazards.”

The three organizations have created CADRI in order to enhance their ability to “Deliver as One” for disaster risk reduction, focusing on capacity development. UNDP/BCPR serves as the lead for multiple global thematic programmes on disaster risk reduction, including recovery. OCHA serves as the lead for HFA Priority 5 for preparedness. The ISDR Secretariat provides advocacy and coordination support to the broader ISDR system in support of the advancement of disaster risk reduction.

CADRI’s creation and design has been informed by several policy and strategic initiatives. 1) The UN Disaster Management Training Programme (UN DMTP) review, 2004, that recommended that the DMTP should continue as an inter-agency effort that would help partner countries, UN Country Teams (UNCTs) and the broader UN system in support of disaster risk reduction; 2) The Hyogo Framework (HFA), which states that capacity development is a cross-cutting activity for disaster risk reduction and recognizes that disaster risk reduction is a cross-cutting issue in sustainable development and in the UNDAF; 3) The DMTP global Future Search meeting, held in February 2006 on: Rethinking Capacity Development for Disaster Risk Reduction : Action 2005-2015; 4) UNDP’s Eight-Point Agenda for Gender Equality in Crisis Prevention and Recovery: Empowerment, Security and Development; 5) UNOCHA’s Emergency Preparedness Section (EPS), created in 2007 to provide guidance and tools to strengthen response preparedness for sudden and slow-onset disasters; 6) the IASC Humanitarian Coordinators Strengthening Project (HCSP ) implemented by UNOCHA; 7) UNDP’s Strategic Plan which “recognizes that support to capacity development constitutes the overarching contribution of UNDP in assisting countries to achieve internationally agreed to development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals”; 8) UNDP’s Recovery Policy and implementation strategy, including training.

The expected outcomes of CADRI fall under the following categories:

• Outcome 1: UN Resident/Humanitarian Coordinators (RCs) and heads of UN agencies understand their strategic role for disaster risk reduction with a gender perspective and have access to the necessary tools and support to help them execute their role;
• Outcome 2: Selected UN Country Teams (UNCTs) in high risk countries can effectively undertake their disaster roles, consistent with humanitarian coordination and disaster risk reduction and gender equality principles;
• Outcome 3: Selected countries have enhanced their capacity to make disaster risk reduction a national priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation, HFA priorities 1 and 5 in a gender sensitive manner;
• Outcome 4: Increased access to and availability of tools, knowledge products and materials on gender sensitive disaster risk reduction (DRR) for capacity enhancement of Resident Coordinators , UN system organizations, UN Humanitarian teams, governments and the broader ISDR system.

To achieve the outcomes set out in the CADRI Project Document, a set of core products and services have been developed, namely:

• Advisory services: CADRI works with governments, national institutions and UN entities to develop new programmes and to ensure that existing programmes have incorporated capacity development for DRR. CADRI offers advice and guidance on technical aspects (the practical ‘how to’) of capacity development for DRR, throughout the programme cycle (initial analysis, formulation of response, implementation and evaluation);
• Tools and materials: CADRI assists in mapping tools and materials available, facilitating access to them and developing new tools and materials when and where there is a need. CADRI offers 3 types of tools and resources relating to capacity development for DRR:
Learning packages: CADRI workshops and training programmes include: overviews of capacity development and DRR; mainstreaming DRR into development planning ; operationalizing the HFA at the national level; climate risk management , etc. Capacity development methodologies: CADRI provides diverse capacity assessment and planning tools; Information resources: CADRI’s material encompasses all aspects of capacity development. Where certain tools, resources or knowledge products relating to DRR are not available, CADRI develops new materials or can adapt those that exist to the specific needs of a country or region.
• Facilitation services: CADRI seeks to enhance the capacity of national platforms and disaster management agencies for DRR, and to strengthen the coordination activities of UN Country Teams (UNCTs);
• Information and networking: CADRI promotes the growth of a global community for capacity development for DRR and greater networking among current DRR practitioners. CADRI encourages individual countries, organizations and practitioners within the DRR community to generate and share experience, know-how and good practice.

In terms of CADRI’s achievements as related to the expected outcomes, kindly consult CADRI’s Reports of Activities 2010 and 2011 listed in the Annexes.

The total budget allocation of the CADRI project was USD 1,781,200 from 2009 to 2012. As of 31 December 2011 a total of USD 1,458,589 has been disbursed.

The CADRI project is coming to an end in October 2012. Based on the need and demand from several government counterparts and UN agencies at various levels (global, regional and national), a project document is planned to be developed for the new implementation phase of CADRI over the next 4 years (2012-2015).

Objectives of the Assignment:

UNDP/ BCPR plans to commission an evaluation of CADRI’s performance in achieving its results covering the period 2009 to 2011. The purpose of the evaluation is to capture evaluative evidence of CADRI’s contribution to ongoing efforts to develop a robust and sustained programme of capacity development support for the UN system at the country level for its strategic leadership and coordination role for disaster risk reduction. The evaluation will highlight the achievement of results against the established outcomes, identify the impact of CADRI’s interventions and the internal and external factors affecting its effectiveness, yield information on project implementation arrangements, and provide a set of clear and forward-looking recommendations to inform management decisions regarding CADRI’s new implementation phase (2012-2015).

The specific objectives of the evaluation are to:

• Provide an assessment of CADRI’s contribution to development results (against the expected outcomes). This will be measured against the outcome indicators and output targets of the results framework developed for CADRI;
• Evaluate CADRI’s role, relevance and niche in supporting the UN system to position itself to add value in response to capacity development needs in the national development context, particularly with regard to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework of Action. The evaluation should highlight emerging needs of countries, UNDP and UNISDR system partners for support in capacity development, the extent to which these needs are being met by CADRI’s available support mechanisms and the areas in which a future phase would contribute the greatest value-added;
• Provide an analysis of CADRI’s contribution towards greater interagency synergies in capacity development for disaster risk reduction and its potential to leverage partnerships at national, regional and global levels in the execution of its mandate, including other UNDP supported capacity development initiatives;
• Present key findings and provide a set of clear and forward-looking recommendations to inform management decisions regarding CADRI’s new implementation phase starting in 2012.

Duties and responsibilities

Evaluation criteria:

The criteria used in this evaluation are the following:

• Effectiveness will be assessed by an appreciation of the extent to which specific objectives have been achieved, taking into account factors that could have affected implementation;
• Efficiency will be determined by examining the qualitative and quantitative results achieved as a result of inputs;
• Sustainability will be evaluated based on a considered assessment of whether CADRI has successfully supported the development of permanent structures, procedures and professional capacity that national institutions will need in order to continue performing expected services;
• Relevance and responsiveness will be assessed based on whether CADRI’s interventions responded to the needs and priorities identified by clients and partners and on how CADRI anticipated and responded to significant changes in the national, regional and global development context.

Evaluation Ethics:

The evaluation will be conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the UNEG Standards for Evaluation in the UN System. In the design and implementation of the evaluation, evaluators must address issues related safeguarding the rights and confidentiality of information providers, such for example: measures to ensure compliance with legal codes governing areas such as provisions to collect and report data, particularly permissions needed to interview or obtain information about children and young people; provisions to store and maintain security of collected information; and protocols to ensure anonymity and confidentiality.

• Evaluators should be sensitive to beliefs, manners and customs and act with integrity and honesty in their relationships with all stakeholders;
• Evaluators should ensure that their contacts with individuals are characterized by respect;
• Evaluators should protect the anonymity and confidentiality of individual information;
• Evaluators are responsible for their performance and their product(s).

Expected Deliverables and Tasks:

• Evaluation inception report. An inception report should be prepared by the evaluation consultant before going into the full-fledged evaluation exercise. It should detail the evaluator’s understanding of what is being evaluated and why, incluiding evaluation matrix with suggested evaluation questions for each evaluation criteria and showing how each evaluation question will be answered by way of: proposed methods, proposed sources of data and data collection procedures. The inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables, designating a team member with the lead responsibility for each task or product;
• Draft evaluation report. The draft evaluation report should be reviewed by the CADRI Principals (UNDP, UNISDR, UNOCHA) and CADRI Senior Coordinator to ensure that the evaluation meets the required quality criteria;
• Final evaluation report. The evaluation report will include an executive summary that highlights findings, conclusions, recommendations and lessons learned, as well as a methodology brief to facilitate the learning of lessons from the evaluation process.
• Power Point presentations for senior management and other stakeholders to be used during stakeholder feedback sessions as necessary.


• Leadership and strategic management skills with an excellent understanding of international development issues and knowledge of the UN system;
• Strong written and verbal communication skills, in a multi-cultural setting; excellent interpersonal skills, objectivity and ability to analyze large multi-country data sets in short period;
• Experience working collaboratively in small teams with tight deadlines.

Required skills and experience

• Masters or PhD in a relevant field, and at least 15 years of international development experience or well established organization with at least 10 years of experience in project/programme evaluation;
• Sound knowledge and experience of working with capacity development, disaster risk reduction, disaster risk management and preparedness for response at national, regional, and global levels;
• Background in strategic planning and previous experience in drafting UN development documents;
• Sound methodological background, skills and knowledge of evaluation methods and techniques;
• Proven familiarity with the UN system and the international development landscape, as well as the UN architecture for disaster risk reduction;
• Familiarity with at least one of the three CADRI agencies (UNDP, UNISDR and UNOCHA); experience in working with UNDP Country Offices and/ or regional centres of UNDP, UNISDR or UNOCHA an asset.

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