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Extended term consultant

Washington, DC
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The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a partnership of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system to support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). The HFA is the primary international agreement for disaster reduction, adopted by one hundred sixty-eight (168) governments and multilateral organizations, including the World Bank. The principal strategic goal of the HFA is to effectively integrate, in a coherent manner, disaster risk considerations into sustainable development policies, planning, programming, and financing at all levels of government.

The GFDRR is managed by the World Bank on behalf of the participating donor partners and other partnering stakeholders. The work of the GFDRR is divided into three tracks:

1) Track I is designed to enhance global and regional advocacy, partnerships, and knowledge management for mainstreaming disaster reduction.

2) Track II is directed at mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in country development processes to ensure that risk assessments, risk mitigation, risk transfer, and emergency preparedness are incorporated into in all strategic plans and programs. This track is designed to provide ex ante support, primarily through technical assistance to enhance investments in risk reduction and risk transfer mechanisms, as well as disaster management planning to low- and middle-income country governments.

3) Track III supports primarily low-income countries for accelerated disaster recovery and risk reduction in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

Through Track II, the GFDRR has funded more than 130 disaster risk reduction and inter-related climate risk management programs in more than 54 disaster-prone low and middle-income countries. Its portfolio has grown to over $ 200 million since the establishment of the Facility in September 2006. Under the overall guidance of a high level Consultative Group (CG) of donors, UN and World Bank, co-chaired by World Bank Sustainable Development Vice President and the Government of Australia, GFDRR Secretariat at the World Bank headquarters manages the global operations of this partnership under the ISDR system.

To achieve increased impact, GFDRR now focuses on a select group of priority countries. GFDRR’s Track II prioritizes operations in 20 core countries. The countries were selected due to their high vulnerability to natural hazards and low economic resilience to cope with disaster impacts including anticipated climate change and variability. These 20 core countries will receive 80 percent of available funds while 20 percent will be made available for flexible, innovative, high impact grants, such as those that catalyze increased investment programs and integration of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in development in any disaster prone country. GFDRR will also systemize and deepen its engagement in 11 single donor trust fund countries.

To develop a strategic and integrated vision, GFDRR has prepared comprehensive programs for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation for the next three to five years in each of the priority and donor earmarked countries.

Duties and accountabilities


The disaster risk management specialist will work under the direct supervision of the GFDRR Track II team leader and under the general management of the GFDRR program manager.

Specific duties

- Manage GFDRR Track II portfolio, including the review process of Track II proposals, taking into account their conceptual soundness, technical feasibility and budget, in close coordination with the regional DRM coordinators and the Track II team leader.
- Measuring results in DRR and CCA operations: Oversee the monitoring and evaluation of project progress to ensure the attainment of objectives through sound implementation. Assume accountability that reports from task managers are tracked, reviewed and that input from reports is collated for feedback to task managers in a timely manner.
- When required, conduct site visits to assess the quality of grant implementation, monitor grant activity, meet with stakeholders and ensure that the objectives are met and the work is harmonized with GFDRR’s mission.
- Strengthen partnerships and coordinate with relevant agencies, academia, the UN, and donors relating to project activities. Interface with implementing organizations regarding project proposals submitted for GFDRR funding to ensure proposals meet GFDRR’s program objectives and grant guidelines.
- Coordinate the preparation of consolidated progress reports, project briefings and other relevant monitoring information to inform clients, donors, Directors and DRR partners in an organized manner and with adherence to the Bank’s quality guidelines.
- Promote and facilitate knowledge exchange and dissemination in disaster risk management and climate change adaptation between countries, sectors and regions.
- Provide guidance, technical advisory and quality enhancement services to task teams working on preparation and supervision of multi-sector disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation interventions, as and when appropriate. Be accountable for the quality and timeliness of advice.
- Assist regional and country management teams in client dialogue, advisory work in policy reform and implementation, capacity building, project preparation and supervision in the DRM projects.
- Assist the Track II team leader in providing strategic and administrative oversight for the Track II team.
- Undertake research and knowledge management activities, including analytical papers and guidance notes for Bank staff, on best practices and mainstreaming disaster risk reduction in all operations of the Bank; and contribute to GFDRR’s knowledge management system by preparing lessons learnt and best practice pieces based on Track II portfolio opportunities.
- Represent GFDRR at internal and external meetings and deliver presentations on Track II country program portfolio as well as on GFDRR in general.
- Participate in the upstream review of CASs/PRSs and related documents, to ensure that the disaster risk management agenda is strategically captured and integrated into country development strategies.
- Perform other duties and functions as assigned by Track II team leader and by the GFDRR program manager, including possible deployment to support post-disaster needs assessment.

Selection criteria

- Advanced university degree in Disaster Management, Public Policy/Service, Social Science or related field.
- At least 10 years of professional experience in the field of disaster risk management or international development.
- Field experience in developing countries is a plus.
- Fluency in both written and spoken English. Knowledge of other languages is an asset.
- Excellent computer skills, Microsoft applications (particularly Excel and Access).
- Ability to work in a fast track environment, with efficiency, competence and integrity with people of different cultural background.
- Ability to take responsibility for substantial segments of the unit's work program and play a key role in implementing the strategic direction of the work program.
- Strong ability to analyze and resolve issues cross cutting areas of specialization, with an understanding of how solutions affect the overall work program strategy.
- Ability to deliver training/skill enhancement initiatives (e.g., through brown bag lunches, seminars, distance learning) to transfer global knowledge and experience within the sector.
- Effective communication and negotiation skills and the ability to serve as spokesperson/advocate within and outside the Bank for important policy and project proposals.
- Ability to perform efficiently and effectively in highly demanding working environments and meet very tight deadlines.
- Professional and personal endurance and commitment to pursue and complete complex assignments.
- Good team player but also capable of operating independently when required.
- Sensitivity to working in multi-cultural and matrix environments.
- Ability to build effective working relations with clients and colleagues, as team member, and to achieve results.
- Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
- Extensive knowledge and understanding of practical project implementation issues.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.

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