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Senior disaster risk management specialist (recovery financing)

Washington DC
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The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) is a partnership of the World Bank, United Nations, major donors and recipient countries under the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) system to support the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA). The HFA, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly and ratified by 168 countries, is the primary international agreement for disaster reduction. HFA’s principal goal is to effectively integrate, in a coherent manner, disaster risk considerations into sustainable development policies, planning, programming, and financing at all levels of government.
The GFDRR is organized along three tracks of operation to achieve its development objectives at the global, regional and country levels. Track I focuses on enhanced global and regional advocacy, partnerships, and standardization of disaster risk management tools and methodologies. Track II provides technical assistance for targeted countries to mainstream disaster risk reduction in strategic planning and development policies focusing on poverty reduction strategies. Track III provides rapid and predictable disaster recovery assistance through the Standby Recovery Financing Facility (SRFF).

The GFDRR is funding more than 75 disaster risk reduction and inter-related climate risk management programs in more than 54 disaster-prone low and middle-income countries. Its portfolio has grown to over $ 75 million since the establishment of the Facility in September 2006. Under the overall guidance of a high level Consultative Group (CG) of donors, UN and World Bank, co-chaired by World Bank Sustainable Development Vice President and currently the Government of Denmark, GFDRR Secretariat at the World Bank headquarters manages the global operations of this partnership under the ISDR system.
The SRFF is administered by the World Bank and includes two financing windows – a Technical Assistance Fund for improved international coordination in disaster needs assessment, transitional recovery and reconstruction planning; and a Callable Fund to support affected countries that have initiated prevention investments but have limited fiscal capacity to accelerate recovery operations without reallocating earmarked resources for long-term development. Under Track III, GFDRR also provides technical and financial assistance for damage and needs assessment in post-disaster situations. The damage and needs assessment methodology developed by the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) is used to estimate the effects and impact of natural hazards.

GFDRR is strengthening its capacity to provide assistance for accelerated recovery in post disaster situations. With funding support from Swedish International Cooperation Agency (Sida), GFDRR is hiring a Senior DRM Specialist to manage disaster recovery financing.

The Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist (Recovery Financing) will work under the direct supervision of the Track III Team Leader and under the general oversight of the GFDRR Program Manager. S/he will work in close collaboration with the World Bank’s Regional Coordinators for Disaster Risk Management, Regional Coordinators of UN agencies, the donor community, development partner representatives, and recipient country officials. Overall S/he will work towards delivering key deliverables of SRFF, that is, to establish a global protocol for international recovery operations, to develop a global knowledge resource on managing recovery operations and to promote a global initiative to build national capacities for recovery planning and implementation. The incumbent will work closely with the Track III team to advance the Standby Recovery Financing Facility (SRFF), with primary responsibility to manage the Callable Fund.
The selected candidate will be directly reporting to Saroj Kumar Jha, as the Program Manager.

Specific tasks:

A. Callable Funds
• Activating the Funds: Recommend to the Team Leader and Program Manager the need for activating the Callable Fund in the event of a natural disaster, and propose plans for a rapid response to operationalize the Fund. Upon the activation of the Fund, S/he will be responsible for ensuring that post-disaster recovery financing strikes a balance between humanitarian and development assistance and that disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation are part of ex-post disaster recovery programs. Based on lessons learnt, the incumbent will work to constantly improve the design, operating principles, methodology and implementation of the Callable Fund.
• Donor Coordination: Lead an active dialogue with the UN, International Financial Institutions, donors and other members of the international humanitarian community on accelerated transition from relief to development. This will include efforts to avoid overlaps and increase the efficiency of the Callable Fund as well as address the need for better international institutional preparedness amongst UN, IFIs, donors and other actors.
• Partnership and consultation: Strengthen the partnerships with all stakeholders in the establishment and management of the Callable Fund. Advise partners on incorporating disaster risk reduction activities into disaster recovery projects.
• Collaboration with the government: Maintain an active dialogue with the government so as to develop ownership and give a central role to the government in the disaster recovery process.
• Assist the Team Leader and GFDRR Program Manager as required.

B. Other financing windows
• Work with other Bank teams currently devising new, customized lending in catastrophe risk financing and analytical services.
• Devise mechanisms for providing incentives to countries with limited fiscal envelopes and low credit worthiness to invest in disaster prevention.

The successful candidate should have:

• An advanced university degree in Economics, Planning, Finance, Public Policy, Development Studies or other relevant discipline.
• At least eight years of relevant and progressively responsible professional experience in fund management in post-disaster situations.
• In addition to in-depth knowledge in fund management, the ability to contribute through policy or issues notes and descriptions of "best practices" or other specific outputs, to improved policies and/or practices in the sector.
• Extensive managerial and actual field experience in disaster relief, recovery and risk reduction programs.
• Familiarity with the international disaster response and risk reduction system. Fluency in English. Knowledge of other UN languages is considered an advantage.
• A good understanding of the inter-relationships within a particular sector or field of expertise, and the ability to identify opportunities for integration of his/her sector or field of expertise with multi-sectoral projects/programs and/or programmatic operations.

Required Competencies

• Good team player but also capable of operating independently when required.
• Ability to take responsibility for substantial segments of the unit's work program and play a key role in implementing the strategic direction of the work program.
• Strong ability to analyze and resolve issues cross cutting areas of specialization, with an understanding of how solutions affect the overall work program strategy.
• Effective communication and negotiation skills and the ability to serve as spokesperson/advocate within and outside the Bank for important policy and project proposals.
• Ability to gain the assistance and cooperation of others in a team endeavor, and provide guidance and coaching to less experienced staff.
• Ability to deliver training/skill enhancement initiatives (e.g., through brown bag lunches, seminars, distance learning) to transfer global knowledge and experience within the sector.
• Sensitivity to working in multi-cultural and matrix environments.
• Ability to build effective working relations with clients and colleagues, as team member, to achieve results.
• Ability to perform efficiently and effectively in a highly demanding working environment with very tight deadlines.
• Professional and personal endurance and commitment to pursue and complete complex assignments.
• Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
• Extensive knowledge and understanding of practical project implementation issues.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills.
• Be willing to travel to post-disaster locations for long periods in short notice.

The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

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