Training curriculum on women leadership in disaster risk reduction
The primary objective of this training curriculum is to help non-governmental organizations arrange capacity building training in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and develop capacity to plan and manage practical initiatives into their communities and promote women’s leadership in DRR. The curriculum is divided into four sections:
- Module 1: Women’s status in the society – discusses: the roles of women and men that manifest in division of labour between women and men in the society; how traditions and societal norms establish and perpetuate division of labour and create discrimination against women; and how women’s capability manifested through their activities.
- Module 2: Women and disaster risk reduction – discusses the impact of disaster on women and their capability in reducing disaster risk at normal time and during disaster.
- Module 3: Women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction – discusses women’s leadership role and participation in DRR activities.
- Module 4: Promoting women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction – discusses the planning of practical activities to promote women’s leadership in the community.