Global threats in the Anthropocene: from Covid-19 to the future
This volume collects 14 original chapters which analyse the new scenarios that could lie ahead in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis in an interdisciplinary context. The COVID-19 pandemic offers food for thought and an opportunity for humanities and science scholars who research our global condition to collaborate. The 21st-century society is facing an unprecedented challenge right now: what can we learn from this challenge? Will everything really return to what we used to define as ‘normal’ at the end of the emergency? Probably not. Structural changes from political, economic, social, and environmental perspectives are already occurring, and impacting the fields of health, education, commerce, governance, and travel. Concepts of social space are being redefined and rethought at various scales. Our society, unprepared for a global health emergency of this scale, has been engaged only partially in practices of mitigation and sustainability and we now realize the fragility of our planetary existence.
Chapter list:
- Temps, espace et situations limites : quelques jalons pour penser la pandémie.
- « L’invitation à être».
- Società resilienti alle future pandemie: governare la crisi nei nuovi scenari globali.
- Estrazione petrolifera e resistenza: la proposta-risposta dei Sarayaku, comunità kichwa dell’Amazzonia ecuadoriana.
- Turismo sportivo e pandemia: il caso del Tor des Géants.
- Chirurgia e COVID-19: riorganizzazione, insegnamenti e prospettive future.
- L’Antropocene in questione.
- Citizen, Geoscientist and Associated Terra-former.
- La storia, lo spazio e la pandemia ai tempi di Google Maps. Risorgimento e brigantaggio nelle attività didattiche.
- Gli itinerari culturali europei come modello di sviluppo ecosistemico per i territori marginali.
- . Italian agriculture in the shade of a pandemic. New and old dilemmas.
- Il COVID-19 e la sua dimensione pedagogica nel mondo giuridico.
- Tradition and innovation: the controversial relationship between religion and pandemics.
- Geopolitica del Covid-19. La pandemia e i suoi riflessi su piani multipli e transcalari.