National legal frameworks

This page displays national legal frameworks on disaster risk, climate adaptation and resilience.

Governance of risk plays a central role in managing disaster risk. A national legal framework for disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a comprehensive set of laws, regulations, policies, and institutional arrangements that a country establishes to manage and mitigate disaster risks. It defines the roles and responsibilities of governmental and non-governmental entities and sets up national agencies for coordinating DRR activities.

Legal frameworks include regulations and standards to prevent disasters or minimize their impact, such as building codes and land-use planning regulations, and outlines preparedness and response measures like emergency plans and early warning systems. A robust national legal framework for DRR is essential for creating a structured and coordinated approach to managing disaster risks, enhancing resilience, and protecting lives, property, and livelihoods.

Policies and plans
This law determines Kosovo's mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change in line with binding international agreements, and its commitments to sustainable development and the transition to a carbon-neutral economy.
Policies and plans
he Law on Water Resources regulates the management, protection, exploitation and use of water resources, as well as the prevention of, combat against and overcoming of harmful effects caused by water in the territory of Vietnam.
Policies and plans
Mexico’s National Coordination of Civil Protection published the new official guidelines for access to the Disaster Prevention Fund Program on November 24, 2021 in the Official Gazette.
Policies and plans
These are the coordination guidelines for the National Framework for Climate Services of Ethiopia.
Cover and source: Government of Jamaica
Policies and plans
The Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Act of 2021 amends Jamaica's earlier DRM law adopted in 2015. The law is intended to adequately implement and address measures to combat various calamitous events, including a pandemic; and for connected matters.
Policies and plans
The Federal Climate Adaptation Act is Germany’s (separate) climate framework law aimed at strengthening climate adaptation to protect life and health, society, the economy and infrastructure as well as nature and ecosystems.
Journey to recovery
Policies and plans
Journey to recovery describes the collaborative approach being taken across Australia to recover from the devastating 2019–20 Black Summer bushfires.
Cover and source: Bangladesh MODMR
Policies and plans
The purpose of NPDM 2021-2025 is to guide implementation of the Disaster Management Act 2012 and Standing Orders on Disaster 2019, allowing the Government of Bangladesh and other agencies to use it to produce their Annual Work Plans.

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