
Designing, resourcing and implementing gender-sensitive disaster risk reduction policies, plans and programmes. raising awareness of gendered vulnerabilities of men, women and LGBTs, and promoting inclusion and leadership of women and gender minorities in DRR.

Latest Gender additions in the Knowledge Base

Documents and publications

This document asserts that there is an increasing evidence that climate change has an impact on natural disasters, such as flooding, and on agricultural production, both of which have implications for gender issues. It briefly reviews issues related to

Documents and publications

This report describes the effects of price volatility on food security and presents policy options to reduce volatility in a cost-effective manner and to manage it when it cannot be avoided, especially in relation to weather shocks such as floods or

by Flick user karathepirate / Kara Newhouse, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0,
An initiative promoted through women's self help groups by Kalvi Kendra, a local NGO, encourages women in the southern Indian villages to take the lead in preparing communities for the hazards that lie ahead...
Thomson Reuters Foundation,
On the International Day for Disaster Reduction, Ines Smyth argues that a gendered approach is the best way to ensure effective DRR. 'This is an opportunity to celebrate how people and communities are reducing their risk to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of DRR'...
Oxfam International Secretariat
'Women and young women play a major role in times of disaster. They are the ones often responsible for managing disaster preparedness in the home and community,' said Uha Fifita, from the Rainbow Women’s Network...
Scoop Media Ltd
'A focus on children can help create a sense of urgency around the need to analyse and address hazards and risks, as well as provide a long-term perspective as children grow up,' says John Abuya, ActionAid’s expert on Disaster Risk Reduction....
ActionAid International
Documents and publications

This report focuses on the evolution of gender equality across the world in the context of the development process. It considers gender equality as a core development goal in itself, and argues that gender equality matters for the pace of development. It

La directora del Instituto Estatal de las Mujeres, Leticia Torres Pulido, resaltó la importancia de este trabajo, junto con Protección Civil, al señalar que la integración del enfoque de la equidad de género en la gestión de riesgos de desastres, según Milenio...
Milenio Diario
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