What binds us – civil society’s view on building resilient communities

Date & Time:
Tuesday 21 May (13:00-14:30)

Room 4


Partners for Resilience (lead)
Action Aid
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Emergency Capacity Building Project


The side event will focus on the experience of four organisations/partnerships in building the resilience of communities. Although each organisation/partnership works has its own mandate and particular expertise, their approaches have much in common. Building on their commonality, the side event will focus on what the shared vision is of how the co-operation organizations, and indeed the wider field (from policy makers to implementing agencies to communities) should be working on building resilience and ask the following questions. Where are we? Where should we be heading? What is the route to get there?

Topics that will be highlighted as the base for the local level focused discussion include: measurement and accountability; linking resilience to relief, development and environment; underlying risk factors; communities’ engagement in building resilience; integration / mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction and climate change; protection of ecosystems; the role of development planning; and co-operation between CSOs, 
government, knowledge centres and private sector.

The outcome is shared understanding of where resilience thinking has arrived at the end of the HFA period. Furthermore, is to identify the elements that will enable the disaster community to move forward to a post-2015 era. This will include formulation of several key recommendations for a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (HFA2).

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