DAY 2 - Informal Plenary Post-2015 Framework

Date & Time:
Wednesday 22 May (15:00-18:00)

Room 2

into the six official UN languages


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)

Focal Point:
Glenn Dolcemascolo


Informal Plenaries are a key milestone in the consultations on the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (HFA2). Discussions will be reflected in the Chair’s Summary and in a report on the HFA2 Consultations at the Global Platform.

In December 2012, the UN General Assembly decided to develop a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (referred to as Hyogo Framework for Action 2 or HFA2). Consultations on an a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) have been ongoing among diverse stakeholders at global, regional, national and local levels since March 2012 and have elicited a rich array of views on the next generation of arrangements for building resilience.

The Fourth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is a key milestone in the consultative process and an opportunity to consider further linkages to the post-2015 development agenda and the Rio+20 outcomes on sustainable development. Informal Plenaries are an opportunity for all stakeholders to express and consolidate views, deepen understanding, and identify issues for further consultation on a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2).

The Informal Plenaries will facilitate discussion of common interest in issues that emerged from consultations on a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) to date as reflected in the HFA2 Synthesis Report (see attached) which was prepared to inform events at the Global Platform.

Views expressed to date build on the achievements of current HFA, advances in science and technology and an enhanced understanding of present and future risk. The consultations revealed the importance of designing a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) that effectively engages local governments and citizens, builds on women’s leadership and recognizes the role of economic opportunities and private sector investment as instrumental in reducing disaster risk.

A post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) has been recognized as a potential milestone in promoting stronger governance and accountability and in advancing integrated approaches to resilience that address socio-economic development, environmental sustainability and climate change. The role of issues such as these in a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) will be discussed in the informal plenaries.

One of the significant achievements of the current Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 (HFA) has been its ability to mobilize diverse stakeholders in support of government efforts to reduce disaster risk. This diversity of actors has brought wide ranging experience and technical expertise to implementation and has reinforced political commitment and broad ownership. Building on the multi-stakeholder character of the Global Platform, the Informal Plenaries will also stimulate dialogue on how a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) can promote effective models of participation and accountability in planning, implementation and decision-making for disaster risk reduction.

The second phase of consultations, from June 2013 to the World Conference in early 2015, will focus on the content and format of a draft post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2). The Informal Plenaries will provide space to consider the how to strengthen the inclusive and participatory multi-stakeholder working model of the HFA, how to leverage regional and national platforms and input from social networks in the consultations and to stimulate views on process related issues.

The Informal Plenaries objective is to identify key issues for further consideration and consultation in the development of a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2).

Expected Outcomes

Discussions in the Informal Plenaries are expected to result in identification of areas of common interest, proposals for effective models of participation and cooperation and accountability in the a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) and recommendations on the way forward in the consultative process.


Following opening comments from the co-chairs and an overview of the Consultations on a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2)to date, the session will be organized as a dialogue among the stakeholders present and will be facilitated by the co-chairs. The following three broad questions provide an initial structure to the discussion: • Does the HFA2 Synthesis Report reflect key issues of concern? • How can a post-2015 framework for disaster reduction (HFA2) promote effective models of participation and cooperation and accountability in planning, implementation and decision-making for disaster risk reduction • What process-related issues should be considered in Phase 2 of the consultations?


The Informal Plenary will be two co-chaired by:

• Ms. Margareta Wahlström, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction
• Ms. Kristlina Georgieva, European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response

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