Drought Resilience in a Changing Climate

Date & Time:
Wednesday 22 May (11:15-12:45)

Room 2



Focal Point:
Mr. John Harding, UNISDR (harding@un.org)


The understanding of what constitute the underlying problems on drought impacts and related food insecurity and policy options vary depending on the type of institutions involved and sectoral perspective. Countries find it difficult to quantify the risk of drought and to put in place the required policies and measures that will reduce the longer term risks. In addition, climate change is increasing the variability related to the access to water and temperatures, potentially leading to land degradation and reduced agricultural production according to the IPCC Special Report on Extreme Events (IPCC/SREX, 2012).

Governments, regional, multilateral and bilateral partners recurrently respond to drought induced crisis and resulting food insecurity. The difficulties in reducing drought risk have also resulted in a number of initiatives to strengthen the resilience of communities to allow them deal with the shocks and recover rapidly.

The High Level Meeting on Drought Management Policies will be held from 11 to 15 March 2013 in Geneva, two months prior to the Global Platform Fourth Session. The High Level Meeting on Drought Management Policies will be looking at what constitutes good national drought policies and promote collaboration around the topic.

The Drought Resilience in a Changing Climate event will also present the findings of the recent assessment of agricultural drought exposure in Africa and the Middle East and how countries are addressing this in the context of climate change, based on the work of the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR, 2013).

The event will take stock of the outcomes of the High Level on Drought Management Policies and contribute to their dissemination within the disaster risk management community. In particular, the event will look at some of the key challenges in the application of drought policies and how to integrate these within disaster risk management plan and broader sustainable development which will also feed into the consultations of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (HFA2).

Session Objectives

To discuss challenges in establishing national drought policies with a focus on national actors and Africa.

To made recommendations on drought risk management to the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (HFA2).

Discussion agenda and structure

The session will run as a facilitated high level expert panel discussion with a focus on national actor experiences. Each panelist will make a short introduction to the topic, and respond to questions by the facilitator. The panel will be composed of national and local government officials and the private sector.

1. Introduction by moderator. (5mins)

2. Key recommendations and challenges from the High Level Meeting on National Drought Policy. (10 min)

3. Establishing national drought policies – country presentations. (20 min)

4. Policies for drought resilient Agriculture – country/local presentations. (25min)

5. Communicating around climate change and need for action. (15min)

6. IPCC/SREX implications for drought risk reduction. (20 min)

7. summary and closing. (5min)

Relevance of the initiative

Drought recognized in GAR11 as major hazard requiring further attention and priority in disaster risk management.

Subject’s link to post 2015

Drought management a key component of the future work in reducing risk.

Background documents (attachments coming soon)

Outcome of the High Level Meeting on Drought Management Policies, GAR11

Other information

News items will be regularly published on the Global Platform homepage at:

Expected Outcomes

- Practical steps for countries to establish effective drought policies as identified by the High Level Meeting on Drought Management Policies.
- Communication on the findings of the IPCC/SREX regarding long term changes- Recommendations around drought risk for the HFA2.

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