Asia Pacific Region Briefing (UNISDR)

Date & Time:
Monday 20 May (14:00-15:30)

Room 7+8


UNISDR Regional Office for Asia Pacific and UNESCAP

Focal Point:
Sujit Mohanty
UNISDR Regional Office for Asia Pacific and UNESCAP
contact: [email protected]


This Session will provide the country delegations and representatives of IGOs from Asia Pacific with a briefing of the Global Platform sessions. Specifically, the session will
1) Provide an overview of the Global Platform agenda, sessions, expected contributions by countries and IGOs and available UNISDR support during the Global Platform
2) Provide background information for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction discussions at the Global Platform including the synthesis report of the consultations for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction, and the outcomes of the ESCAP 69th Commission Session that focused on Resilience in the Post-2015 Development Agenda (post MDGs)
3) Present the plan to implement the Regional Platform outcomes (such as the Declaration of the 5th Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR and the Pacific Roadmap to DRM and CCA) and to prepare for the next Regional Platforms, moving toward WCDRR (Pacific Regional Platform and 6thAMCDRR).The session will facilitate exchange of information and coordination among Asia Pacific Delegations to ensure regional representation during key sessions of the Global Platform.

Expected Outcomes

- General Orientation to the Asia Pacific Delegations on Global Platform for DRR proceedings.
- Asia Pacific Delegations provided with key messages emerging from post-2015 framework for diaster risk reduction consultations and ESCAP 69th Commission Resolution on post-2015 development agenda
- Asia Pacific Delegations informed about the plan to implement 5thAMCDRR Declaration, Pacific Roadmap for DRM and CCA and to prepare for 6thAMCDRR and Pacific Regional Platform as key milestones toward WCDRR in 2015
- Generate interest of Asia Pacific Delegations for proactive contributions to the Global Platform


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