SE33: Incorporation of Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Practices into Climate Change Adaptation - Bangladesh story

  • ID: SE33
  • Date & Time: Thursday 18 June (13:30 - 15:00)
  • Room: 6
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: BDPC, Disaster Management Bureau, Government of Bangladesh, UNISDR
  • Facilitators: Session Chair : Dr. Ian Davis
  • Focal Point: Dilruba Haider, Additional Director, BDPC, Email : dilrubahaider (at), dilrubahaider (at),


The existence of our ancestors was founded with direct and harmonious interaction with nature. This is because their livelihoods were intimately tied to the land and water, to the diversity of their ecosystems and to their traditional knowledge about these resources. Community based DRR practices across the world represent a wealth of indigenous knowledge, ideas and experiences, which need to be honoured and promoted as gifted wisdom to deal with the challenges of climate extremes.

As a partner of UNISDR, Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre (BDPC) has organised this side event with an objective to complement the thematic outcome of Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction by promoting awareness and advocacy for community based DRR practices to adapt to climate extremes. The side event will take the advantage of the presence of larger audience and experts from across the world and will create scope to leverage collective knowledge and experience towards promoting use of indigenous DRR practices, primarily on the basis of the experiences from Bangladesh.

A key note will be presented on the theme while there will be three designated discussants to present their views from diverse perspectives on the key note paper. All the presenters are expected to share their experiences and lessons learnt, showcase successes, identify emerging issues and strategies and strengthen partnerships in promoting use of community based indigenous DRR practices in policies and practices of adaptation to climate extremes. After the discussion there will be question and answer session, to be finished by a wrap up by the chair.

Background Papers

> Incorporation of CBDRR Practices into Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Opportunities and Challenges [DOC, 36.00 Kb]



Note: this is an interim report pending publication of the Conference Proceedings from the 2009 Global Platform.

> Report from SE33 [PDF, 13.70 Kb]

Related Links

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 4, core indicator 4.1

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 1, core indicator 1.3

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 3, core indicator 3.2

> Compilation of National Progress Reports on the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action: HFA Priority 3, core indicator 3.4

Last updated: 04 December 2020