SE28: SPHERE Consultation

  • ID: SE28
  • Date & Time: Thursday 18 June (08:00 - 09:30)
  • Room: 16
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Provention Consortium Secretariat, Tearfund
  • Facilitators: Moderator: Ian O'Donnell (ProVention)
    Rapporteur: Nigel Timmins (Tearfund)
  • Focal Point: Ian.ODonnell (at), Nigel.Timmins (at)"


The Sphere Project Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response Handbook has become one of the most widely recognized tools for improving humanitarian response. A new revised edition is planned to be published late 2010. Members of disaster impacted communities, national and international NGOs, UN, donor, government, academic institutions and humanitarian actors are all welcome to share experiences, insights and expertise to develop new standards, identify missing information, and suggest tools and references for the revised Sphere Handbook – particularly around the themes of disaster risk reduction, climate change, and the environment.

Expected Outcomes

The discussions and presentations will lead to:

• Concrete suggestions on relevant points to include in the Sphere standards.
• Ideas for further was to use the Sphere standards to promote work on Environment/DRR/Climate Change.
• Ideas for further consultation activities.

Links to Global Platform 2009 outcomes:

Standards can play a key role in promoting donsistent practice on DRR at all levels; yet so far standards for DRR are almost entirely missing from the landscape. The Sphere standards are widely recognized within the humanitarian community, and the current revision process offers a tremendous opportunity to better address future risks in the context of ongoing response and recovery activities.

Background Papers

> SPHERE Consultation [DOC, 45.50 Kb]



Note: this is an interim report pending publication of the Conference Proceedings from the 2009 Global Platform.

> Report from SE28 [PDF, 26.29 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020