SE27: Global Change and WildFire

  • ID: SE27
  • Date & Time: Thursday 18 June (08:30 - 09:30)
  • Room: 15
  • Participation: Open
  • Organizer: Global Fire Monitoring Centre (GFMC)
  • Focal Point: johann.goldammer (at)


The event will present the most recent findings and conclusions of the science community and the UNISDR Global Wildland Fire Network on the consequences of climate change and land-use change on fire regimes, the environment and society, summarized in the "White Paper on Vegetation Fires and Global Change". It will address measures of mitigation and adaptation in order to protect the world's vegetation resources from wildfire disasters, excessive fire application in land use and land-use change, as well as appropriate use of fire in ecosystem management. The side event will bring together international organizations involved in sustainable management and protection of vegetation resources from various sectoral and institutional perspectives and responsibilities, as well as representatives of civil society promoting fire management at local level.

Expected Outcomes

The side event will address the GP09 themes “Reducing Disaster Risk in a Changing Climate” and “Enabling Community-led Resilience through Preventive Action” and formulate recommendations for the development of relevant informed policies.

Background Papers

> Global Change and Wildfire [DOC, 23.00 Kb]

> Statement: Global Change and Wildfire [PDF, 67.28 Kb]


> Global Change and Wildfire [PDF, 3.79 Mb]


Note: this is an interim report pending publication of the Conference Proceedings from the 2009 Global Platform.

> Report from SE27 [PDF, 26.33 Kb]

Last updated: 04 December 2020